Sunday, September 15, 2024

Piping Made

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 19C. This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 22C. 


Yesterday morning, I sanded some more on the walls and washed them. I cut in the paint at the top and bottom and around light switches, plugs, etc. I used the 1" angle brush which I love. It balances in my hand so nicely and I can control it while doing tight spots. 

I also wiped the ceiling as the flies had left their trademark. Not a lot but some. I do this job as I see their trademark. Once done, I washed the hall floor. 

I folded laundry while the floor dried. Elliott decided to make it a hard job as he laid where I put the folded clothes. I made do as he enjoyed annoying me. Once done, I put the clothes away. Elliott moved off the couch to another spot. 


I did easy sewing yesterday. I made 10 meters of piping. It was what I needed to do for some unknown reason. The first 5 meters was blue fairy frost. 

The second 5 meters was from a tiny paisley fabric. 

I was keen to see what it would look like as piping. 

It is quite pretty and will look nice on the perfect coloured shirt. 

I have a cushion cover and another 5 meters of piping to make and my to-do list is done. I now need to write up another to-do list for the remainder of the month. And, to date, I have not bought any fabric in September. I will be as I have to get the backing for the Scandinavian quilt. 


I unknit the socks as I had different numbers of stitches on the gussets. I finally found where I had forgot to decrease, fixed it and knit up to almost where I was. The mistake wasn't made the night before but a couple of nights ago. 

I should finish the gusset tonight. 


    I am struggling with the style I want. Every time I look for ideas, it states it is coastal. One even said coastal grandma. I finally looked at one pictures and realized it is my style less the look of the light shade, blinds, and driftwood stained furniture. 

I can see using the bedding idea in my bedroom. It is basically what I had wanted to do. 

    The colours for coastal usually include some tan similar to the wall colour I'm painting over, linen, off white, grey, and blues. They can be used in any house and in any style. I can see it in my house using the linen/off white, grey, and blues. Some of my projects will not fit in and I will give them away as I make them. Others will fit in perfectly. This is a work in progress. 


I am going to paint the hall walls, clean up, and then pull tomatoes and pepper plants from the garden boxes. I want to sew piping and the cushion cover this afternoon and knit tonight. I have to water the lawn as it didn't rain last night. It is another day to stay home as town will be busy with people coming in for the fair. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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