Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Great Doctor's Visit

 Yesterday was warm and sunny with a high of 27C (humidex 32C). This morning it is clear and 14C. Today is suppose to sunny and hot with a high of 30C (humidex 34C). 


Yesterday morning daughter-in-law arrived with her tea after taking grandson to school. We had a great talk and measured for blinds. I have my homework to do as I want to get them for the living areas of the house. 

Once she left, I got ready to go to see the doctor. I had enough time that I did the balance sheet. All was good on that front. No errors at all. Done in record time. 

I had a great check up. I am healthy and doing well. He sent my prescriptions to the pharmacy to be filled later on. We talked about my hip and he is pleased with the progress I am having. No blood work necessary thought I know I will have to have it done for March. I am on the list for the flu shot in October and will need to get the covid vaccine when it comes out. The only thing I need to watch is my blood pressure as it may feel dizzy with it being a bit low. I see him again in early December unless I need to get a new dose of blood pressure medication. 

After seeing the doctor, I went to get groceries. It was then that I realized how warm it was. The humidity was rolling in and I knew it was going to get worse. This can happen in September as this is a beautiful month here. 

After lunch, I did more carrots. I got 2 big bags and 2 small bags done. The small bags are for me to use when I make stew. 

There are still carrots left. About 1 big bag and maybe one small bag left to go. I am thinking a little over 7 lbs from the garden. Not as good as last year but it was more than I had thought. 

I am still watering the areas that were seeded due to how warm it is. My water bill will be higher than normal but I want a nice lawn next year. I will also buy some seed in the spring and do some extra seeding when it is cool and damp. 


After doing the carrots and cleaning up, I decided to hand sew the binding down on the cushion cover. I got 1/2 of it done. It is hard to do as I don't want stitches to show on the front. 


I knit on the leg of the sock and have over half of the foot knit. Easy knitting now until I do the toe. 

I need to order the mini skein for the toes plus more yarn for socks. While I wait for the order to come, I will start on daughter's work socks. 


    The doctor was pleased with how I am doing. I am trying to loose the extra weight but I am hungry. I know I have made muscles as I am stronger. He wants me to keep active and knows I will be healthy for a long time. 

    I am not excited that it is going to be warm day and night for the next several days. It means I have to make sure I stay hydrated and cool. With appointments today and tomorrow, I need to pace myself so I don't feel sick. Yesterday was hard as I used up the ice when doing the carrots. I didn't have ice cold drinks which I depend on to keep me cool internally. 

    I have decided to go with my version of the grandma coastal look. It is more minimalist using neutral colours and having that appearance of bringing the outside in. My version will not be having the ocean vibe but more of a country vibe. I am realizing it is all in the accessories as to what vibe you have. Start with the basic look and colour you want and then add to it. 


I am going to do some cleaning in the living room and wash the blankets. I have to be at the Wellness Center for my activity evaluation which I am sure will be my last visit. Once home, I want to finish the cushion cover. Tonight I will knit on the socks. I do have a few chores to do (recycling to the curb and lawn to water) and will have to do them without over heating. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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