Friday, September 13, 2024

I Was Over Tired From Over Doing It

 Yesterday was a mainly sunny day with a high of 24C (humidex 26C). This morning there was a shower and it is 14C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 24C (humidex 27C).


Today would have been my mother's birthday and, no, she wasn't born on Friday the 13th. 

Yesterday, I sanded, wiped, and washed the walls prior to putting on the 2nd coat of paint. I was really happy with the new 1" brush I bought. I will be looking at that brand when I need new brushes. The walls on that half of the hall are done and I hung a picture. 

The picture looks small and lonely the picture but in reality, it is fine. Minimal which I like. 

I watered the areas of the lawn that were seeded. I found it hard to walk on part of the lawn as I was tired and had over done it. But, the job got done, and I ate some tomatoes that were ripe. 


I finished the doll's quilt with one corner giving me issues when quilting the borders. It is barely noticeable. I made the binding and sewed it on and then started hand sewing the binding down. Over half of the binding is done. There isn't a lot. 

The back of the quilt was pieced as I didn't have enough of one colour. 

I looked at the cutting table and it is fairly clean. I have one project left to sew on it plus a few small piles to deal with. I can have it pretty much cleaned off in 20 minutes when done the cushion cover. 


I finished the gusset on sock #1. 

I also started on sock #2 and got 11 rounds knit on it. 

I was surprised at how much knitting I got done as I was tired. 


    I didn't realize how tired I was until I went to bed. I had done too much with two days of painting and a day in the city. I had crazy dreams of people refinishing the floors in the house and digging up my lawn to put in new sod. And then something was being done in the basement. It was bizarre as I don't often have those types of dreams. 

    Our fall fair starts this morning and it will be busy in town for the next 3 days plus next weekend. I will be heading out to shop tomorrow in another community to avoid the crowds. Unless you are going to the fair, you stay home and shop during the week or elsewhere. 

    Buying for the hall is something my daughter-in-law (DDIL) does which includes purchasing beverages, paper items, and food for dinners they cook (one tonight). This community hall is rented out at least 3 times a week and DDIL is in charge of the bookings and purchases. In our province, community halls are in a most smaller communities. 


I am hoping to rest more today. I do have to sand the hall walls and wipe them down ready to paint. I need to do laundry. The lawn needs watering (day 3 of 4) and I want to finish the doll quilt. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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