Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bias Dress Cut Out

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy and cooler with a high of 19C. This morning it is mainly cloudy and 9C. Today is suppose to be cloudy and 20C. Fall is in the air. 


My plans went out the window as I went to Kentville with daughter-in-law. She needed to have her hearing aids sent in to be repaired. 

On our way back in to New Minas to do a bit of shopping, we spotted a sign saying 10 lbs of carrots for $1.00 and a dozen corn for $4.00. We stopped and bought 20 lbs of carrots and 2 dozen corn. The interesting part of the carrots is you take a bag marked 10 lbs and fill it to the top. We got more than 10 lbs in each bag. The corn is bagged by the dozen and you just grab what you want.  

We then headed in to New Minas to do a bit of shopping. Daughter-in-law got her passport photo done and we snoop shopped at Giant Tiger. Nothing was bought but we had fun. It was home for lunch. 

I went over to family's in the late afternoon to deliver the carrots I had frozen, fresh peppers, tomatoes, and garlic. As a family we finished the garden discussion. I brought home about 3 lbs of carrots to freeze today.

The goal is for me to plant garlic, tomatoes, peppers, leeks, and cucumbers. We will buy carrots, beans, peas, and what ever else we want at the place we got carrots. What we can't eat immediately, we will freeze for winter. I can't grow vegetables as cheaply as that person can sell them. I know the farm must have contracts with the grocery stores and what he sells at his stand is above his contract. 


I made the facings for the bias dress, laid out the pattern pieces and cut it out. 

I got out the fabric for the Swedish dress, pressed it and cut out the pattern. I started to lay it out and then hit a brick wall. No facings and cut 4 of the ruffles. I couldn't bring it up on the lap top in the sewing room as it was updating itself so I stopped for the day and went upstairs to read the pattern.

I have read the pattern twice. I need bias strips for the neck and sleeve facings. The ruffle is confusing as she says to cut 4 and only shows cutting 2. I need to really think how I am going to do this as it has become confusing to say the least. The goal is to cut it out and add it to the pile of items to sew. 


No knitting last night as I was over tired from not sleeping well and being sore. 


    I was sore yesterday due to osteopathy. It is a given and I have to push through it. I know I will be in bed early. It gets better as things settle down. The same can/will happen with physio. 

    The plan to buy more and grow less has become obvious with the produce we bought so cheap yesterday. If his prices go up some, we will still buy. What I will grow will be items we can't get cheap. As time goes on, I will empty the bins we don't need and give them away to someone who wants them. 

    I have to do a freezer organization as mine is getting full. I will take an hour or two and get it done. I know I have some items to move upstairs and others to get rid of. I do know that I don't have to make chicken broth for a while as I have lots. I eat a lot of chicken soup in the winter. I have to update my inventory and do some meal planning. I think this whole thing is going to take one morning to complete so I can see what I have and what I want to cook. The same goes for the pantry. It needs to be organized and inventoried. 

    I haven't painted this week and I am missing it. I can start on Monday in the spare bedroom. I am thinking about it all the time. 


I have to freeze carrot this morning and do a bit of freezer sorting if I have time. This afternoon I want to cut out the next doll's dress. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. It is a stay at home and get things done day for me. 

Until the next time............................................................

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