Monday, September 09, 2024

Projects Processing

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy with a bit of sunshine. The high got to 22C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 20C. 


I started the morning out doing the balance sheet. Done and put away in good time. No issues with mistakes. Hurrah for that. 

I spent the morning cleaning my bedroom. I dusted, wiped, polished, and tidied up. I vacuumed the room and it amazed me how I can see the dust be sucked up and the floor come up shiny. The last job was to mop the floors. Not too dirty as the dust was gone. I ended my cleaning by vacuuming the spare bedroom and mopping it. 

I did get out to buy groceries before lunch. It wasn't too busy and I got what I needed and was home by noon. I was feeling overly warm and wondered why. It was humid and knocking the energy out of me. I made sure I drank cold water during the day. 


I got the buttonholes on the outer dress without a hitch. The buttons went on without giving me an issue. The dress was pressed and put on the doll. 

I had the lining cut out for the sunhat and got it sewed up. 

I have to cut out 4 of the pieces for the outer hat in the red print. 

I noticed a new pattern out that goes with this month's topic of bias on Sewing With Cinnamon. I am certain it will be the pattern used in this week's video and will be the pattern for the month. 


I turned the heel on sock one and then started the heel flap on sock 2. At row 11 I realized I hadn't added 4 stitches from the front of the sock to the heel flap. I unknit 11 rows, fixed my mistake and knit the 11 rows once again. 

I have decided if I don't have enough of the red to finish the toes, I will finish them in the bright green. 


    I didn't realize how humid it was until I got home from shopping. The house was humid and the dehumidifiers were running steadily. I did go outside in the late afternoon as it was cooling off and even the grass was damp from the humidity. I am assuming this is the aftermath of the tropical storm we had on Saturday (which was cool). 

    I checked the rain gauge and 2" of rain fell on Saturday. We have a chance of showers tomorrow and then it is suppose to be sunny for the rest of the week. Warmer by mid week also. 

    I am working through the list of sewing slowly. The Strawberry Shortcake outfit was a slow sew due to the hand basting I had to do on the fiddly pieces. The rest of the projects should be easy to sew up. I want to get them done and out of the way so I can have another day to cut out projects. I am looking forward to trying to sew down more of the stash this fall and winter. 


I am going to fold a load of towels and then start prepping the hall way to paint. This afternoon I would like to finish the hat and start on some piping. Tonight I will knit on the socks. I will be staying home today as I have nothing I need to buy. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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