Friday, September 06, 2024

The Fridge Is Working

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of about 27C (humidex 29C). This morning there are light clouds and 10C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with a high of 21C. It is suppose to start raining tonight (Pink sky in the morning.....).


My morning took a turn. Daughter-in-law came over to see the walls being painted and to look at the fridge. We did more clean up and plugged it in. It started like a charm. After she left, I did more cleaning underneath and got out more dense dust bunnies. I also used canned air on the back to make sure the coils were quite clean. The fridge was cooling down nicely and was at temperature at 4:30 pm when I next looked. 

At 11:30 am I headed out to family's to go shopping with daughter-in-law in Bedford. It was a fun outing which ended with her appointment for osteopathy. I bought a broom which I needed. I also found Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix which was amazing. It has never been sold in stores in Canada until now. They only had the one with marshmallows but I grabbed 2 boxes (expiry day is 2026) for bags I am going to make. 

At the craft store I bought ribbon for the Welcome sign. I love it as it is light denim with creamy white polka dots. 

I also saw an oval artist canvas that was 14" by about 7" for under the Welcome sign. I will be going back to get one so I can put fabric on it. 

I was tired when we got home. The car has no a/c (part being air freighted in) and I got overly hot. I also had the start of a headache when we stopped and bought a drink with ice cubes in it. I also drank cold water when we got home and it killed the headache in an hour. I was dehydrated and internally warm. 


I did not sew yesterday as I was out. I did some mental planning though which I needed to do. I will be starting to make gift bags when I get the projects I cut out done. 

I have done my research on the next quilt. I am making this one. I have three prints and one solid fabric and will be cutting out the squares when I start cutting out gift bags. It should be an easy sew which is what I need for the next quilt. 


I knit 10 rounds on the socks last night. I had to stop as I was so tired I was falling asleep. 

Daughter-in-law fell in love with them and is trying to find the yarn so I can knit her a pair. We found there are so many different colour combinations that I may be buying them to knit fun socks. 


    I just saw 40+ Canada geese flying over us. That is a sign fall is here. They will stay for about 2 months before they fly south. 

    I am glad I figured out what is causing the headaches. I have been fighting heat exhaustion and couldn't cool down my body as I had no ice to put into my water. I know I have to drink lots of cold water before I go into the hot tub and more when I get out. Now to make sure the ice maker is working so I can have cold water. 


I will start off cleaning the kitchen and when the dew has dried off, I will be outside getting things put away into the shed. I want to work in the garden boxes also. This afternoon I want to sew on the doll's dress and will knit tonight. It is a home day for me. 

Until the next time........................................................

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