Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Using Up Left Over Fabrics

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds but we didn't get any rain as expected. The high got to 21C. This morning it is 11C. Today is to be mainly sunny with a high of 21C. 


Yesterday morning was spent painting the part of the hall that I had started the other day. The wall with the closed doors is done and the other two walls need a second coat. What a difference light paint makes. 

Though only half the walls in the hall are done, I don't feel like I am walking down a dark tunnel to the bedrooms. When done painting and scrubbing the hall, I cleaned the paint pot, brush, and roller. Time to start fresh again. 

The company came and reseeded part of the lawn yesterday. I now have to water those areas every day until Sunday. That is to push the seed down into the soil and get it to germinate. No lawns to be mowed until next week. At least the damaged areas should look good next year. 

I did see cinch bugs on top of the soil at the deck yesterday. The first time I've seen them. They love my lawn as it is mainly grass and very healthy. I think they come from all over the block to feast on it. 


I worked on the doll's quilt yesterday. I didn't rush and enjoyed making it. When I got the top done, I started to look for batting and found a large enough piece for 2 doll quilts. I cut off what I needed and sandwiched the quilt.  I am now quilting it. 

I am quilting diagonally this time. I will do it both ways to make sure it is secure. I will stitch in the ditch on the borders to hold them securely. I think I have one more day of quilting and then I can do the binding and call it done. It has been fun to make and has used up a lot of left over fabric. 

This month on Sewing With Cinnamon, the topic is outfits sewn on the bias. The pattern that was designed for the topic is certainly not flattering, too long, and almost frumpy looking. Even the plaid one is not exciting. 

I am almost convinced to buy it to see if I can make it look nicer. I see potential in this dress. 


I have the gusset stitches picked up on both socks and two rows done on one sock. I am unknitting as I am not happy with one of the gusset stitches. It feels a bit ugly to me. 

I will do it tonight before I knit any more. It will be quick and easy at this stage of the game. 


    I didn't realize how depressing this house was until I started to paint the walls in a light grey. The brightness is amazing and I feel so much better mentally. I will keep at it until the whole upstairs is painted. I know that I will feel much better this winter when it is dark and gloomy. 

    The brightness has made me start thinking more about how I want to decorate. I have a picture picked out for the hall which has been in storage for 9 years. We didn't put up pictures in Kamloops knowing we were going to sell the house and wanted to keep the walls pristine. Here, I want pictures up as I don't care. I can fill and paint the holes quickly. 

    I have started to think more about what I want to make for the upstairs. How much do I want to make? How often will I change the decor? Do I want to keep it simple? I know this will evolve as I paint. I keep having ideas pop into my head for the areas I have already painted. 


I am out most of the day shopping with daughter-in-law. When I get home, I have to water the lawn and put out the garbage. If I have time I will enter two items into the fall fair. I will knit on the socks tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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