Monday, September 16, 2024

To-Do List Almost Done

 Yesterday was warm and sunny with a high of 23C. This morning it is 9C. Today we are suppose to have sunshine and a high of 24C. 


Yesterday morning I painted the hall walls. I hate how splotchy they look with the first coat on but it did make the area look brighter. 

Once I had cleaned up and had a short break, I was out to clean up the vegetable boxes. I picked the peppers and pulled the plants. I picked tomatoes and pulled the plants. One big yard bag full, mainly tomatoes. Some of the tomato plants were 6 feet high. Lastly, I pulled the carrots. They are funny this year and it makes me think that I planted several varieties. I didn't. I also pulled a leek to have in a stir fry for dinner. 

I was out in the late afternoon and watered the lawn. It takes 90 minutes plus to water it but I am doing it so the seed will grow. I will continue on for several more days as it is going to be warmer (up to 27C). 

We had a power fluctuation on Friday afternoon. I have unplugged the fridge for 20 minutes so it would reset but to no avail. The fridge is warming up meaning it didn't go back into restart mode. I have to call the repair man once again. I have moved some food to the small fridge and will finish the job once I have my coffee. What is left in the fridge is still cold. I also have to empty the ice maker and take the few items in the freezer to the downstairs freezer. I will then unplug it. 


I spent time downstairs sewing. I made the last of the piping. 

I used a brighter yellow thread on this one and it blended in much better than anticipated. 

Piping for September is done. 

I will try to do 3 more batches in October and hopefully each month after that. 

The last project on the list was also done to the hand sewing. It was an enjoyable project to work on as I love the gingham look fabric. 

The print is a bit on the light side and I will starch it before I put it onto the cushion form. The size is 20" square. 

I need to write out what I want to do next and get those items cut out. Perfect for a busy week. 


I didn't knit last night. I was too tired and sore to concentrate on knitting. 


    We had wonderful weather over the weekend for the fall fair. I saw drone pictures and they seem to have had record numbers of people attend. Hopefully this coming weekend will be just as nice. The past two years the second weekend has been cancelled due to Hurricane Fiona in 2022 and a tropical storm last year. 

    My hip was sore last night. I pushed through the pain without taking medication. It was tired from painting and shopping for the past 5 days. Add working in the garden yesterday and it decided to rebel. I will paint today and then stop for the next 3-4 days. 

    I am annoyed that the fridge is acting up again. I am hoping that the repair man can replace what ever is wrong and all will be good. If not, I will have to go fridge shopping. Not what I had planned. 


I want to paint the hall and then start freezing carrots. I hope to do them over the next few days doing what I can in 2 hours and repeat each day. I had thought I would have the fridge to hold the carrots in but it seems as if I don't.  I will take an hour to hand sew on the cushion cover and try to knit tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Great progress on the painting. It looks so much better! Sorry about the fridge acting up again. Marianne
