Tuesday, December 13, 2022

More Sewing Done

 The weather has been cooler the past couple of days. The highs have been below freezing. Yesterday's high was -3.3C. The wind blows from the north or the west. It has been cloudy and somewhat depressing. This morning it is -5C, the wind is blowing and we are to have a high of -3C. We may see a bit of sunshine (which I do hope happens).


Sunday afternoon I spent with daughter-in-law while grandson was at soccer training. We did up Costco and when we left I was tired. We walked most of the store and when I was "parked" at the end of aisles, I did my exercises. I also practiced walking correctly while pushing the cart. The store was busy and people were in a hurry with no regard for those around them. We were happy to get out of the store and away from the crowds. 

Grandson spent the evening with me on Sunday and we went over his English. We talked about the short stories he had read and I found him some websites where he can read summaries about them and, hopefully, other stories they read next semester. It was all about using the resources you find on the internet to help you as we reviewed details he need to know for writing his paragraphs and essays. 

Yesterday I baked the last batch of ginger cookies for daughter-in-law. They turned out great and she has her own batch to nibble on over the holidays. I am done for a couple of days before I need to make more tarts for the neighbours. 

I did a search on cane height and I had the cane toooooooo long. I shortened it to the correct height and it is easier to walk with. I did practice with it yesterday. As I practiced, Elliott looks at me like I'm am crazy. I tell myself what I need to do so I can get it into long term memory. 


I spent some time in the sewing room and got 2 towel toppers sewn ready for the towels to be inserted. I really like these ones. 

I left after 90 minutes as I was tired and aching from standing so much while baking cookies. But, getting 2 done was a huge accomplishment and I know I can do 2 more in another afternoon. 

On Sunday afternoon, daughter-in-law took me to Atlantic Fabrics. The store front looks small and I was shocked to see how large it was inside. Huge as it looks almost warehouse size. I walked around some looking at some of the fabrics. The lace trim selection was horrid, they had a lot of Christmas decorations out, about 20 Babylock sewing machines, a full selection of DMC embroidery floss, and much, much more. I walked around about 1/3 of the store. I was looking for white and red cotton and they had no white though they had a lot of cottons -- plain and textured. I was amazed at the selection. I bought two packages of buttons and 4 zippers. 

I ordered the Q foot and single stitch plate for the Diamond and will be receiving them after Christmas. The stitch plate will arrive towards the end of January. I'm okay with that as I have other things to sew before then. I can do what I need to do with what I have been using for the past 13 years. 


The umbrellas are ordered and will be here Dec. 24 (not expecting them then but later). Once here, I will finish the parasol. 

I ripped out the stole as I did not like how loose the stitches looked. It was also not wide enough. I started it again on smaller needles doubling the number of stitches. I had one too many stitches and had to rip that out again. Once I had it figured out (multiple of 12 stitches plus 1), I sailed along and got over 5" knit. I am happy with the gauge. 


    I am starting to monitor more closely what I am eating and think I have a sensitivity to cream. That wouldn't surprise me at all as it is in the family. 

    I have also begun to try and eat less but it is hard. Boredom, tiredness, sadness, and depression come knocking on my door and I snack. I'm trying to monitor it but some times it is hard. I got some clementines for a "sweet" snack and I do like them. I am cutting back on the amount of diet pop I am drinking and choosing water instead. Portion sizes are being enforced most meals. I will be doing more of this as time goes on. 

    Though tiring, I am pushing myself to be able to stand and walk for longer periods of time. There are times I don't want to do the exercises, but I force myself to do them. I know it is for the best. I have become less stiff when I do the stretching exercises and I am able to stand longer than I could. I guess we can call that progress. 


I am off to New Minas to get the last (I hope) of the Christmas gifts. I want to be home before noon so I can sew this afternoon. I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time...................................................    

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