Thursday, December 22, 2022

A Busy Day In The Kitchen

 Yesterday had moments of brilliance as the sun tried to shine for more than 5 minutes. That was nice as it has been so dull. The high got to 3.5C. This morning it was -2.5C and there is a skiff of snow on the ground. We are to have sunshine and a high of 2C. 


It was a busy day yesterday. I made 2 batches of buns and a batch of sausage rolls. I got the kitchen cleaned up ready for today. A big job when doing 2 different bakes in a small kitchen. 

I delivered thank-you gifts to our friends across the road. I had to get out of the house after lunch as I was on the verge of tears. Tired was part of the reason as I had slept poorly and part was missing the Spousal Unit. The visit perked me up and I was able to get through the rest of the day. 

Yesterday was winter solistice and we have been sitting at having 8 3/4 hours of daylight for the past couple of days. It will be nice to start seeing the extra minute a day of daylight. I remember thinking like that when we lived in Dawson Creek. 

There was no sewing yesterday even though I thought about cleaning the sewing room closet. I want to get that area organized so I can use up what is stored in there. 

I did knit on the coat I'm making. The pattern at the bottom of the coat body wasn't too hard to do. I just had to pay attention to what I was doing. After 16 rows I was ready to start decreasing and that sat me on my butt. No matter what I did, I kept reading the first row wrong. I stopped, left it alone and decided to read row 2. Suddenly my tired brain understood row 1 and I was off and knitting like crazy. I got the first 2 rows done and called it a night. 


    I have baked a lot for Christmas Eve and Day and it has certainly been enjoyable. I have got to make one more batch of buns and cook the potatoes and eggs for the salad today. They will be prepped and ready to add the dressing tomorrow afternoon. 

    The smoker is going to be taken to our friend's house so he can smoke meat. It will be nice to see it used as the Spousal Unit wanted them to have it. Here is hoping we have some smoked meat on Christmas Eve. 


I am ready to go shopping right away (early) and then will make buns this morning and do the potatoes and eggs after lunch. I probably won't get into the sewing room and if I do it will only to be putting the pillow forms, flannel, and zippers on the cutting table. I will knit today and tonight. I'm hoping that it won't be as busy a day today as I'm a bit sore with the storm coming in. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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