Saturday, December 24, 2022

And The Storm Arrived

 Yesterday was dull and grey most of the day. The wind came up and by late yesterday afternoon the storm hit. There were strong winds, over an inch of rain and a high of 14.5C sometime before midnight. This morning we are still having wind and it is 4C. The temperature is to drop to 2C during the day. 


I had another busy day. Before breakfast, I had cooked, peeled and halved a dozen eggs for devilled eggs. The filling was put together later in the day ready to fill the eggs today. After breakfast, I went for my hair cut. The hair dresser and I had a good talk about many things. 

I was to the physiotherapist mid morning and I got a workout. First on the bike, then pulling 10 lbs of weights while walking and doing lunges. Finally on the balance box. I was able to balance for a few seconds without holding the wall. They noticed that I am equally distributing the weight better on both legs and hips. The long stretch was done and finally some knee exercises before having the electric currents and heat. The physiotherapist shorten the cane by one notch and told me I am using it correctly. I was tired when I left there. I have one exercise to add to the mix. The Bridge which gave me a leg cramp the first time I did it. But I will do it starting tonight. 

I got son to get the last item we need for dinner tonight and then I went to visit a friend for a bit. She is going to help me do trays today. By the time I got home, it was raining but the high winds didn't come until later. It was just windy. In the evening, Elliott and I listened to the high winds and rain battering against the house. 

I slept through most of the storm and woke when it was quiet. Nothing moved during this storm and I'm hoping there is no damage. Elliott slept well with me and wasn't really upset with this storm. 


I went downstairs see if I could get the doll to hold the parasol. Nope and when I rushed, it became harder for me to get the job done. I left it to try later. At that time, I will spray starch it. 

I saw that the single hole plate was delivered and it wasn't at my door. I contacted the seller and they had sent via mail and it is in my post box. I will try to get it today and see if I ordered the correct one for the Diamond. 


None done as I was too tired to do any.


    I found on the internet that there was at least one storm warning in every province and territory in Canada yesterday. From snow to rain, high winds, and extreme cold was felt over some part of every province.   

    The storm wasn't nearly has bad over us as it was more over New Brunswick. The main part of the storm hit them and we got the outer edges as it came in from the SWS. I am sure the South Shore had some surge waves coming into the shores during high tide.  

    I am grateful that we didn't loose power with this storm. There was minimal power outages in our community with more in other communities. Here is hoping they get power by this afternoon. 

    I left the car parked outside last night just in case I needed it. It got a good washing if nothing else. It was a wise decision even though it isn't what I like to do. I like the car in the garage during storms.  

    I am doing really well with my knee and hip. I hate walking with the cane but it is for safety this winter. My stride is improving, I'm more balanced on my feet, and I can walk for longer. I'm still tired after walking a lot but I'm hoping that will improve over time. I really want to start walking a bit further every other day but that depends on the weather. I do stride in the house a lot and force myself to walk further than necessary when shopping. 


I have to get everything ready to go over to son's after lunch. Trays have to be made, areas cleaned up, and items put out for tonight. I'm hoping I don't forget anything but I can bring it a bit later on as I do have to come home for a while before dinner. 

Until the next time..................................................

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