Monday, September 16, 2024

To-Do List Almost Done

 Yesterday was warm and sunny with a high of 23C. This morning it is 9C. Today we are suppose to have sunshine and a high of 24C. 


Yesterday morning I painted the hall walls. I hate how splotchy they look with the first coat on but it did make the area look brighter. 

Once I had cleaned up and had a short break, I was out to clean up the vegetable boxes. I picked the peppers and pulled the plants. I picked tomatoes and pulled the plants. One big yard bag full, mainly tomatoes. Some of the tomato plants were 6 feet high. Lastly, I pulled the carrots. They are funny this year and it makes me think that I planted several varieties. I didn't. I also pulled a leek to have in a stir fry for dinner. 

I was out in the late afternoon and watered the lawn. It takes 90 minutes plus to water it but I am doing it so the seed will grow. I will continue on for several more days as it is going to be warmer (up to 27C). 

We had a power fluctuation on Friday afternoon. I have unplugged the fridge for 20 minutes so it would reset but to no avail. The fridge is warming up meaning it didn't go back into restart mode. I have to call the repair man once again. I have moved some food to the small fridge and will finish the job once I have my coffee. What is left in the fridge is still cold. I also have to empty the ice maker and take the few items in the freezer to the downstairs freezer. I will then unplug it. 


I spent time downstairs sewing. I made the last of the piping. 

I used a brighter yellow thread on this one and it blended in much better than anticipated. 

Piping for September is done. 

I will try to do 3 more batches in October and hopefully each month after that. 

The last project on the list was also done to the hand sewing. It was an enjoyable project to work on as I love the gingham look fabric. 

The print is a bit on the light side and I will starch it before I put it onto the cushion form. The size is 20" square. 

I need to write out what I want to do next and get those items cut out. Perfect for a busy week. 


I didn't knit last night. I was too tired and sore to concentrate on knitting. 


    We had wonderful weather over the weekend for the fall fair. I saw drone pictures and they seem to have had record numbers of people attend. Hopefully this coming weekend will be just as nice. The past two years the second weekend has been cancelled due to Hurricane Fiona in 2022 and a tropical storm last year. 

    My hip was sore last night. I pushed through the pain without taking medication. It was tired from painting and shopping for the past 5 days. Add working in the garden yesterday and it decided to rebel. I will paint today and then stop for the next 3-4 days. 

    I am annoyed that the fridge is acting up again. I am hoping that the repair man can replace what ever is wrong and all will be good. If not, I will have to go fridge shopping. Not what I had planned. 


I want to paint the hall and then start freezing carrots. I hope to do them over the next few days doing what I can in 2 hours and repeat each day. I had thought I would have the fridge to hold the carrots in but it seems as if I don't.  I will take an hour to hand sew on the cushion cover and try to knit tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................................

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Piping Made

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 19C. This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 22C. 


Yesterday morning, I sanded some more on the walls and washed them. I cut in the paint at the top and bottom and around light switches, plugs, etc. I used the 1" angle brush which I love. It balances in my hand so nicely and I can control it while doing tight spots. 

I also wiped the ceiling as the flies had left their trademark. Not a lot but some. I do this job as I see their trademark. Once done, I washed the hall floor. 

I folded laundry while the floor dried. Elliott decided to make it a hard job as he laid where I put the folded clothes. I made do as he enjoyed annoying me. Once done, I put the clothes away. Elliott moved off the couch to another spot. 


I did easy sewing yesterday. I made 10 meters of piping. It was what I needed to do for some unknown reason. The first 5 meters was blue fairy frost. 

The second 5 meters was from a tiny paisley fabric. 

I was keen to see what it would look like as piping. 

It is quite pretty and will look nice on the perfect coloured shirt. 

I have a cushion cover and another 5 meters of piping to make and my to-do list is done. I now need to write up another to-do list for the remainder of the month. And, to date, I have not bought any fabric in September. I will be as I have to get the backing for the Scandinavian quilt. 


I unknit the socks as I had different numbers of stitches on the gussets. I finally found where I had forgot to decrease, fixed it and knit up to almost where I was. The mistake wasn't made the night before but a couple of nights ago. 

I should finish the gusset tonight. 


    I am struggling with the style I want. Every time I look for ideas, it states it is coastal. One even said coastal grandma. I finally looked at one pictures and realized it is my style less the look of the light shade, blinds, and driftwood stained furniture. 

I can see using the bedding idea in my bedroom. It is basically what I had wanted to do. 

    The colours for coastal usually include some tan similar to the wall colour I'm painting over, linen, off white, grey, and blues. They can be used in any house and in any style. I can see it in my house using the linen/off white, grey, and blues. Some of my projects will not fit in and I will give them away as I make them. Others will fit in perfectly. This is a work in progress. 


I am going to paint the hall walls, clean up, and then pull tomatoes and pepper plants from the garden boxes. I want to sew piping and the cushion cover this afternoon and knit tonight. I have to water the lawn as it didn't rain last night. It is another day to stay home as town will be busy with people coming in for the fair. 

Until the next time..........................................................

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Doll's Quilt is Completed

 Yesterday was another nice day with a lot of sunshine and a high of 24C (humidex 28C). This morning there is a mix of sun and clouds and 14C. Seems like we had another shower during the night. Today is mainly sunny with a high of 19C. 


Though I lacked energy, I did sand the walls in the hall and added more compound to areas. I left it to dry and cleaned up that area. I did 2 loads of laundry that still needs to be folded. I also did a bit of clean up in the kitchen and called it a day. I was tired and rested. 

I was out to family's for dinner, which was delicious. After dinner we headed out to the hall and set up tables for dinner tonight. We put on table clothes, flatware, cups, etc so it didn't have to be done today. Son cut the meat with the worst electric knife. Great for cutting sandwiches, horrid to cut meat. We laughed while we worked and were done in 40 minutes. 

I came home when done and crashed. I did watch two historical videos about baby farming. One was here in Nova Scotia about an hours drive from us. I was told (not documented) that my cousin was born at that place and my aunt and uncle "bought" him. What that place is well know for is the "butter boxes" they buried infants in which were gotten 2nd hand from a creamery not far from that location. The stories are sad even though my cousin had a wonderful life. Many babies didn't due to neglect and unsanitary conditions. 


I was down to finish the quilt before lunch. It looks good and one of the dolls will like it. 

After lunch I made a pillow and pillow case to go with the quilt. I had no cat fabric left as I was using up the scraps of fabric. 

It looks good as a set. 

It has been folded up and put away. I will need to buy a tub so it can be stored. 

Next project is piping for daughter. I'm working on the to-do list. 

I did print out a pattern to make a basic dress on the bias for one of the dolls. I found a piece of chambray as it is light weight and should drape nicely on the bias. It is on the table to make after the to-do list is completed. 


I think I knit a total of 2 or 3 rounds on the socks last night before I put it away due to being so tired. I wasn't going to chance finding mistake and have to unknit a lot of rounds. 


I am going to sand and wipe down the hall walls and start painting. I also want to fold laundry and put it away. I will sew piping this afternoon and knit tonight. I need to water the lawn this afternoon also even though we have had showers the last two nights. I am going to pace myself so I don't get too tired today. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

I Was Over Tired From Over Doing It

 Yesterday was a mainly sunny day with a high of 24C (humidex 26C). This morning there was a shower and it is 14C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 24C (humidex 27C).


Today would have been my mother's birthday and, no, she wasn't born on Friday the 13th. 

Yesterday, I sanded, wiped, and washed the walls prior to putting on the 2nd coat of paint. I was really happy with the new 1" brush I bought. I will be looking at that brand when I need new brushes. The walls on that half of the hall are done and I hung a picture. 

The picture looks small and lonely the picture but in reality, it is fine. Minimal which I like. 

I watered the areas of the lawn that were seeded. I found it hard to walk on part of the lawn as I was tired and had over done it. But, the job got done, and I ate some tomatoes that were ripe. 


I finished the doll's quilt with one corner giving me issues when quilting the borders. It is barely noticeable. I made the binding and sewed it on and then started hand sewing the binding down. Over half of the binding is done. There isn't a lot. 

The back of the quilt was pieced as I didn't have enough of one colour. 

I looked at the cutting table and it is fairly clean. I have one project left to sew on it plus a few small piles to deal with. I can have it pretty much cleaned off in 20 minutes when done the cushion cover. 


I finished the gusset on sock #1. 

I also started on sock #2 and got 11 rounds knit on it. 

I was surprised at how much knitting I got done as I was tired. 


    I didn't realize how tired I was until I went to bed. I had done too much with two days of painting and a day in the city. I had crazy dreams of people refinishing the floors in the house and digging up my lawn to put in new sod. And then something was being done in the basement. It was bizarre as I don't often have those types of dreams. 

    Our fall fair starts this morning and it will be busy in town for the next 3 days plus next weekend. I will be heading out to shop tomorrow in another community to avoid the crowds. Unless you are going to the fair, you stay home and shop during the week or elsewhere. 

    Buying for the hall is something my daughter-in-law (DDIL) does which includes purchasing beverages, paper items, and food for dinners they cook (one tonight). This community hall is rented out at least 3 times a week and DDIL is in charge of the bookings and purchases. In our province, community halls are in a most smaller communities. 


I am hoping to rest more today. I do have to sand the hall walls and wipe them down ready to paint. I need to do laundry. The lawn needs watering (day 3 of 4) and I want to finish the doll quilt. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. 

Until the next time...............................................................

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Busy Day In The City

 Yesterday was a warm and sunny day with a high of 18C (I did see 21C on the car thermometer). This morning it is mainly clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 25C. 


Daughter-in-law and I had a busy day in the city. We started out in Halifax getting items for the hall. Once that was done, we crossed the bridge to Dartmouth. We went slower across the bridge to enjoy looking at the Bedford Basin to the left and the area where the Halifax Explosion was to the right. 

Once in Dartmouth, we went to a kitchen store to get more supplies for the hall but looked around at the items you can buy -- knives, bowls, etc. I bought squeeze bottles for daughter-in-law's Christmas stocking and a small knife for me. 

We had lunch at Denny's. It took us almost 20 minutes to find the entrance which was exactly where we should have went in the first place. We had breakfast for lunch with me getting the 55+ meal which was a perfect portion and tasty. 

After lunch it was more shopping to get more items for the hall and some for us. Our last stop of the day was Costco. We were both getting tired at this point and were happy to get a cold drink and head home. Our first stop was the hall to put away all that we had bought, then daughter-in-law's to unload her purchases and then home for me. 

On the way home, we had to take a detour. A semi had turned off Hwy 1 on to the road to get onto the freeway and my turn off and put the back end of his trailer into the ditch. By the time he finished trying to get the rig out (and failed) he had the tractor part across both lanes. That turn is not big rig friendly and this is not the first one I've seen in the ditch. We had to go into town and take the back way into where I live. It is quick and easy and daughter-in law could go back that way. She dropped my purchases off and left quickly to miss the buses from the high school. 

I put away as much as I could even though I was tired. I had to go out and water the lawn to drive the grass seed down into the slits. I really drug myself out there to do it but it got done. I also had to take garbage out to the curb for pick up this morning. Walking on cement floors is hard on my hip as there is no give. I'm not complaining as I enjoyed my day out with daughter-in-law and knew that I had these chores to do once I got home. 

My exciting purchases for the day -- a 1" angle brush for painting in tight areas, Everything Bagel seasoning, and cranberry flavoured 7-up zero. 


I spent some time making the lines on the doll's quilt so I can quilt it today. Hopefully I can get the binding on it so I can finish it this weekend. 

I also spent some time figuring out the next quilt and need to look at the fabric I have. I am going to make this quilt. The finished quilt will measure about 48" wide by 64" long. I am going to use this fabric for the quilt. 

The binding will be made out of a matching solid colour I bought. This quilt is for the back of the couch for winter. I will get it long arm quilted. The left over fabrics will be made into a doll's quilt. 


I unknit the sock back to where I wasn't happy, picked up a missed gusset stitch and proceeded to knit 21 rounds. 

The goal is to finish the pair by the end of the month. Then onto another pair. I do want to knit another vest for myself this winter and will knit it in late December/January. 


    The exhibition is this weekend and next weekend so I am planning on doing my grocery shopping in another community on Saturday where it will be quieter. I learned my lesson last year when trying to get groceries on the first Saturday. No parking where I grocery shop as people park there and walk the 2 blocks to the fair grounds. I don't go to the exhibition as it is very busy and I don't like the crowds. 

    I have been careful with my eating and will weigh myself on Monday. I want to get the extra weight off me in hopes it will help my hip. I started out by not snacking between meals and am now tightening up my portion control. I do allow myself to eat about 2 points (WW) over what they say I can have. I know I still have low glucose in the afternoons. Yesterday was one and I went out and ate some tomatoes which worked. I have apple juice on hand also.

    The number of covid cases are increasing and I will be starting to wear a mask again when shopping. I have been shopping when it is quieter and using lots of hand sanitizer. I need to start Christmas shopping and will be going out early to do that so I can avoid the crowds. 


I need to sand the walls in the hall, wipe them down, and put on the second coat of paint. Once done, I need to do laundry. The lawn areas need watering again today. I hope to sew on the doll's quilt and knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................................

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Using Up Left Over Fabrics

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds but we didn't get any rain as expected. The high got to 21C. This morning it is 11C. Today is to be mainly sunny with a high of 21C. 


Yesterday morning was spent painting the part of the hall that I had started the other day. The wall with the closed doors is done and the other two walls need a second coat. What a difference light paint makes. 

Though only half the walls in the hall are done, I don't feel like I am walking down a dark tunnel to the bedrooms. When done painting and scrubbing the hall, I cleaned the paint pot, brush, and roller. Time to start fresh again. 

The company came and reseeded part of the lawn yesterday. I now have to water those areas every day until Sunday. That is to push the seed down into the soil and get it to germinate. No lawns to be mowed until next week. At least the damaged areas should look good next year. 

I did see cinch bugs on top of the soil at the deck yesterday. The first time I've seen them. They love my lawn as it is mainly grass and very healthy. I think they come from all over the block to feast on it. 


I worked on the doll's quilt yesterday. I didn't rush and enjoyed making it. When I got the top done, I started to look for batting and found a large enough piece for 2 doll quilts. I cut off what I needed and sandwiched the quilt.  I am now quilting it. 

I am quilting diagonally this time. I will do it both ways to make sure it is secure. I will stitch in the ditch on the borders to hold them securely. I think I have one more day of quilting and then I can do the binding and call it done. It has been fun to make and has used up a lot of left over fabric. 

This month on Sewing With Cinnamon, the topic is outfits sewn on the bias. The pattern that was designed for the topic is certainly not flattering, too long, and almost frumpy looking. Even the plaid one is not exciting. 

I am almost convinced to buy it to see if I can make it look nicer. I see potential in this dress. 


I have the gusset stitches picked up on both socks and two rows done on one sock. I am unknitting as I am not happy with one of the gusset stitches. It feels a bit ugly to me. 

I will do it tonight before I knit any more. It will be quick and easy at this stage of the game. 


    I didn't realize how depressing this house was until I started to paint the walls in a light grey. The brightness is amazing and I feel so much better mentally. I will keep at it until the whole upstairs is painted. I know that I will feel much better this winter when it is dark and gloomy. 

    The brightness has made me start thinking more about how I want to decorate. I have a picture picked out for the hall which has been in storage for 9 years. We didn't put up pictures in Kamloops knowing we were going to sell the house and wanted to keep the walls pristine. Here, I want pictures up as I don't care. I can fill and paint the holes quickly. 

    I have started to think more about what I want to make for the upstairs. How much do I want to make? How often will I change the decor? Do I want to keep it simple? I know this will evolve as I paint. I keep having ideas pop into my head for the areas I have already painted. 


I am out most of the day shopping with daughter-in-law. When I get home, I have to water the lawn and put out the garbage. If I have time I will enter two items into the fall fair. I will knit on the socks tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Projects Completed

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 20C (humidex 22C). This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 21C. 


I started the morning by sanding half of the hall walls, sweeping the floor, and washing the walls. Then I started to paint the walls. I took my time and tried to do a good job and feel like I was successful. It took me 2 hours to do the job from start to finish. 

I was tired when I got done but my hip felt great until after I rested. Then it was sore from all the climbing I did on the ladder. 

I did wash the floors on my hand and knees when I finished painting. One thing I did notice is that where I had problems in the tight corners, the professional painters had the same problems. I don't feel so bad about the few issues I had. 

I did clean up the kitchen yesterday. I am trying to make a habit of having it clean for the next day. It is a good feeling to know that I can start the day off with that room clean. 

I sat with the heating pad on my hip last night and had to shut it off. I started to sweat as it was too warm for me to handle. I will try again tonight to use heat on it for as long as I can handle it. 


I finished up the hat for the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. It was fun to make this outfit using a new dress pattern and a tried and true hat pattern. 

I decided to play with the doll's quilt and before I knew it, the blocks were sewn together. I laid the first border down to see how it would look. 

They are now pinned ready to sew on. This is a fun quilt which uses up extra fabrics I have left over from bigger projects. The pattern calls for buttons in the middle of each square but I am going to do diagonal quilting on this quilt. 

I also put some rhinestones on the front of the Renaissance outfit. It was exactly what it needed. 


I knit on the 2nd sock and got the heel flap and heel turned by bedtime. 

I don't have enough yarn left for the toes. 

In hind sight, the idea was to knit only the cuff and toes in red. I may order in the yarn for the toes plus another kit to knit for daughter-in-law. 


    I had plenty of time to think the past little while. I have been stressed about the craft bazaar I was going to do this fall. It isn't going to happen. I will try to do it next year. But as I kept thinking, I realized my stress was deeper rooted than the bazaar. 

    I have decided to use up the materials I have and then only do what I want to do on a small scale. Mainly gifts for family, table items for holidays, and a few items for fun or to give to a long term care facility. This means buying what I need when I need it. The only thing on the crafting shelf will be the big tools I use. The carts will hold the smaller items I use. I have decided I don't want the stress of making items every day all year for a craft bazaar. I want to enjoy and play with crafting items. 

    I have also decided that my first focus will be on the memory book so I can give it to my friends this Christmas. I have put a halt on all other paper crafts until that is done. Once done, I will then focus on what I want to make either for gifts or for the craft bazaar. 

    This was a difficult decision to make but I feel much better (less stress). I know I won't regret it as I realize I want to have fun crafting rather than feeling like I need to do it as a job every day. 


I will roll the paint on the areas that need doing and then clean up. I have to take out recycling to the garage. I should also clean up some more if I have time. This afternoon I want to work on the doll's quilt and tonight I will knit on the socks. It is another at home day for me. 

Until the next time................................................................

Monday, September 09, 2024

Projects Processing

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy with a bit of sunshine. The high got to 22C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 20C. 


I started the morning out doing the balance sheet. Done and put away in good time. No issues with mistakes. Hurrah for that. 

I spent the morning cleaning my bedroom. I dusted, wiped, polished, and tidied up. I vacuumed the room and it amazed me how I can see the dust be sucked up and the floor come up shiny. The last job was to mop the floors. Not too dirty as the dust was gone. I ended my cleaning by vacuuming the spare bedroom and mopping it. 

I did get out to buy groceries before lunch. It wasn't too busy and I got what I needed and was home by noon. I was feeling overly warm and wondered why. It was humid and knocking the energy out of me. I made sure I drank cold water during the day. 


I got the buttonholes on the outer dress without a hitch. The buttons went on without giving me an issue. The dress was pressed and put on the doll. 

I had the lining cut out for the sunhat and got it sewed up. 

I have to cut out 4 of the pieces for the outer hat in the red print. 

I noticed a new pattern out that goes with this month's topic of bias on Sewing With Cinnamon. I am certain it will be the pattern used in this week's video and will be the pattern for the month. 


I turned the heel on sock one and then started the heel flap on sock 2. At row 11 I realized I hadn't added 4 stitches from the front of the sock to the heel flap. I unknit 11 rows, fixed my mistake and knit the 11 rows once again. 

I have decided if I don't have enough of the red to finish the toes, I will finish them in the bright green. 


    I didn't realize how humid it was until I got home from shopping. The house was humid and the dehumidifiers were running steadily. I did go outside in the late afternoon as it was cooling off and even the grass was damp from the humidity. I am assuming this is the aftermath of the tropical storm we had on Saturday (which was cool). 

    I checked the rain gauge and 2" of rain fell on Saturday. We have a chance of showers tomorrow and then it is suppose to be sunny for the rest of the week. Warmer by mid week also. 

    I am working through the list of sewing slowly. The Strawberry Shortcake outfit was a slow sew due to the hand basting I had to do on the fiddly pieces. The rest of the projects should be easy to sew up. I want to get them done and out of the way so I can have another day to cut out projects. I am looking forward to trying to sew down more of the stash this fall and winter. 


I am going to fold a load of towels and then start prepping the hall way to paint. This afternoon I would like to finish the hat and start on some piping. Tonight I will knit on the socks. I will be staying home today as I have nothing I need to buy. 

Until the next time....................................................................

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Ready For Buttonholes and Buttons

 Yesterday was one wet day. It rained and then it rained harder. But not flash flood hard. The wind did blow also. The high got to 19C with no humidex as was predicted. This morning it is 18C. Today is suppose to be cloudy and windy with some showers. The high is to get to 21C (humidex 28C). 


I am going to guess that we had 2.5 - 3" of rain yesterday. One weather station said 2.55". It was a lot of rain in 18 hours. 

Yesterday morning I decided to clean the kitchen. I cleaned behind the fridge and mopped it before I put the fridge back into its spot. I then washed as many surfaces as I could -- counter tops, cupboards and some walls. I pulled out the stove and cleaned behind it. I washed and polished the stainless steel appliances and wiped down the small appliances. I swept the floor and washed it good. It was dusty dirty from all the fridge antics. Not bad for a rest day. 

I did sit and rest once during the morning. Not that I had to but I chose to. I also stopped to put laundry into the dryer. All was done by noon with me making my bed in the late afternoon. 

I had an allergy attack while cleaning as the dust from under the fridge was affecting me. It has been giving me issues every day I play with it. I am hoping it is done as the fridge is working perfectly. The ice tray is full and the ice maker is turned off. The toe kick is back in place and all is good for quite a while. I am happy with not having to buy a new fridge and will take care of this one better. 

The little fridge is ready to unplug, defrost and clean. It was handy to have and will go to family's for them to use or for grandson to have at college. 


The afternoon was spent working on the outer dress of the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. I pinned, hand basted, serged, and sewed it together. When it was ready to hand sew, I sat in the family room and listened to videos.

Once done, I pressed it and put it on the doll. It fits quite nicely.

I have to do the button holes and sew on buttons to finish the dress. I also have a hat to make to complete the outfit. When done, I need to sweep the sewing room floor once again. 


I got the heel flap done on sock #1. I now need to turn the heel before I can start on sock #2.

I am a bit worried that I won't have enough of the red for the toes. I can order a mini skein from the company who does this yarn but I am hoping that I have enough. 

Timber Yarns has a fabulous collection of Christmas socks. I am hoping to get three sets to knit for next year. My favourite is Sooty Santa which I may have to knit for me. It is a good thing I knit socks all year round.  


I have to clean my bedroom and the spare room and grocery shop. If there is any time I want to do the button holes on the doll's dress. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. Another rest day as I need to get back to painting the hall this week. 

Until the next time...............................................................

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Strawberry Shortcake Bodice Completed

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 22C (humidex 26C). This morning it is raining and 17C. We are to have rain and a high of 22C (humidex 30C) today. 


I spent two hours outside. I picked peppers and pulled out the plants that won't be producing. I picked cucumbers and pulled out those plants. The cages I used were put away into the shed. Next up I started to pull flowers from the tubs and got all the tubs but 2 done. One is the Gerber daisy that is blooming and the other has dahlias that are in bud. The flower pots were emptied into the vegetable boxes and put away in the shed. 

At this time I was tired but needed to work a bit in the shed getting the shelving units tidied up. I did that and then got the hose put away.  Next was taking the chairs off the deck and putting them away. I rolled up the rug and got the tub and container for the pond got them into their spots in the shed. My last job was to put away the deck umbrella. When done, I loaded up the wagon and took the bag of weeds, tub of vegetables and two other items to the garage. I have one more  day out in the yard to finish up. Then it will be fertilizing the boxes and planting garlic. 

I was tired and my hip hurt so I decided to rest until I realized my phone was missing. I started looking in the house and found it under some papers on the table. I then rested until lunch. 

I have been playing with the fridge as I was not sure if the water line was on or off. The ice maker works as I have some ice in it. No ice was made during the night so I pulled the fridge out and turned the tap to what I think is on. I unplugged the fridge for 20 minutes and washed the floor behind the fridge. It is on and pushed back in so I wait and see what happens. I want ice for my water. 


I worked on the Strawberry Shortcake outer dress yesterday. I was very careful making sure I am doing a neat job on it. I pinned, hand basted, pressed, and got the bodice done. 

I have been playing with the Christmas fabrics and getting some inspiration for how I am going to sew them. My first pairing was this fabric. 

I am thinking of either red or green narrow strip between the print and the grey. Items will be gift and wine bags, mug rugs, and maybe a Santa sack. I have a meter of the print and .4 meter of the grey. I just need to find fabric for the lining. I will sew this fabric up before I start on another pairing. This fabric won't be touched for a few days as I have other projects to complete first. 


I got the second sock leg knit last night. 

I am ready to start the heel flap. These socks are just too much fun to knit. 


    My hip hurt like crazy yesterday. Not so much the muscles but I think something wasn't seated correctly. I did some exercises in bed during the night and it is much better this morning. I have been doing a lot lately and not resting as much as I may have needed to. I will be doing less this weekend. 

    I was amazed at how much the grass has grown in the past week. The person who mows my lawns was in yesterday and was amazed also. He basically mowed the lawn twice to get it looking even. The last application of fertilizer and the rain afterwards gave the lawn a growth spurt. I am sure it will be long by next weekend. 

    A quick check on the amount of rain that has fallen says a little over 3/4" has fallen. It is raining steadily but not as heavy as anticipated. That can change in a minute with these storms. At least the moisture is able to soak into the ground and not run off. We need the moisture in the ground as it is getting a bit on the dry side. 


The plan is to do some laundry and clean up the kitchen. It is dusty from all the fridge antics. I would like to get the little fridge emptied out today also. I want to sew on the doll's dress this afternoon and knit tonight. I am not pushing myself today as my hip needs to rest. 

Until the next time......................................................................

Friday, September 06, 2024

The Fridge Is Working

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of about 27C (humidex 29C). This morning there are light clouds and 10C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with a high of 21C. It is suppose to start raining tonight (Pink sky in the morning.....).


My morning took a turn. Daughter-in-law came over to see the walls being painted and to look at the fridge. We did more clean up and plugged it in. It started like a charm. After she left, I did more cleaning underneath and got out more dense dust bunnies. I also used canned air on the back to make sure the coils were quite clean. The fridge was cooling down nicely and was at temperature at 4:30 pm when I next looked. 

At 11:30 am I headed out to family's to go shopping with daughter-in-law in Bedford. It was a fun outing which ended with her appointment for osteopathy. I bought a broom which I needed. I also found Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix which was amazing. It has never been sold in stores in Canada until now. They only had the one with marshmallows but I grabbed 2 boxes (expiry day is 2026) for bags I am going to make. 

At the craft store I bought ribbon for the Welcome sign. I love it as it is light denim with creamy white polka dots. 

I also saw an oval artist canvas that was 14" by about 7" for under the Welcome sign. I will be going back to get one so I can put fabric on it. 

I was tired when we got home. The car has no a/c (part being air freighted in) and I got overly hot. I also had the start of a headache when we stopped and bought a drink with ice cubes in it. I also drank cold water when we got home and it killed the headache in an hour. I was dehydrated and internally warm. 


I did not sew yesterday as I was out. I did some mental planning though which I needed to do. I will be starting to make gift bags when I get the projects I cut out done. 

I have done my research on the next quilt. I am making this one. I have three prints and one solid fabric and will be cutting out the squares when I start cutting out gift bags. It should be an easy sew which is what I need for the next quilt. 


I knit 10 rounds on the socks last night. I had to stop as I was so tired I was falling asleep. 

Daughter-in-law fell in love with them and is trying to find the yarn so I can knit her a pair. We found there are so many different colour combinations that I may be buying them to knit fun socks. 


    I just saw 40+ Canada geese flying over us. That is a sign fall is here. They will stay for about 2 months before they fly south. 

    I am glad I figured out what is causing the headaches. I have been fighting heat exhaustion and couldn't cool down my body as I had no ice to put into my water. I know I have to drink lots of cold water before I go into the hot tub and more when I get out. Now to make sure the ice maker is working so I can have cold water. 


I will start off cleaning the kitchen and when the dew has dried off, I will be outside getting things put away into the shed. I want to work in the garden boxes also. This afternoon I want to sew on the doll's dress and will knit tonight. It is a home day for me. 

Until the next time........................................................

Thursday, September 05, 2024

The Scandinavian Winter Quilt Top Is Done

 Yesterday was warm and sunny with a high of 22C. This morning it is clear and 11C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 24C. 


Yesterday morning the appliance repair man was to come early and it was mid morning when he arrived. While I waited for him to come, I got recycling and compost ready to go to the curb for pick up this morning. I took it out later. When that job was done, I washed windows. The living and dining areas got the bottom outside part cleaned plus the inside. Tracks were wiped. I then did my bedroom window scrubbing it so all dirt and grim was removed. And finally, I cut the tops off the garlic, cleaned them, and put them into a bag for family. 

When the repair man arrived, he figured out that my fridge did not restart when we had a power fluctuation while I was gone. Instead it froze up not allowing the fan to move air around the fridge. He cleaned the fridge and I am not to plug it in until tomorrow morning. There was a lot of fluff that was removed with the vacuum cleaner and then we put towels and bathmats down on the floor to soak up the water as it defrosted. And defrost it did. I was able to remove the ice in the freezer before bed time but I woke to soaking wet towels and some water on the floor. I know which way this house slopes. LOL. 

While the repair man was here, he checked my dishwasher and all is good. He also checked the washer and cleaned a trap for me. It is in good condition. He also checked the dryer and cleaned a heat sensor for me and I cleaned the lint trap. 

We talked about appliances and he said that, other than the fridge and microwave, I have made good appliances that should last for many more years. I have to continue to do the maintenance on them as I had been doing. If I have to replace the fridge he agrees with my choice -- Bosch. I hope to replace the microwave to a Bosch next year. 

I went out to get a few groceries. Though I am grateful to have a mini fridge, I have to go out and shop more often due to how small it is. I did okay but looked at things I would have liked to buy but don't have the space for them. 


I was able to watch the video on how to do the border on the quilt while waiting for the repair man and eating lunch. After lunch I went down and cut the border and binding fabric. I sewed the border pieces together and sub cut them to the correct sizes. All that was left was to sew them on. I was done the quilt including the pressing by 3 pm. 

Daughter, my friend, and I have agreed that it needs a snowflake design quilted on it. I will be taking it to the long arm quilter mid month so it will be ready in early October. 


I did knit on sock #2 last night. I got 20 rounds done on it and it is going to be a great match to sock #1.


    I was surprised at how much water came out from the fridge. I have a load of bathmats in the dryer and once they are dry I will do a load of towels. It was froze up more than I thought it was. If this is the cause and the fridge works, I will use it with hopes this doesn't happen again. The repair man thinks this is the cause of my problems. If not, I know the fridge I want is in stock in Dartmouth and there is free delivery. Efficiency Nova Scotia will pick up the old fridge for free so all is taken care of. 

    The house got warm yesterday and I know the headache I had was from getting over heated. It started up again but I caught it quickly by drinking lots of water. I do miss having ice cold water which keeps me cooler. 

    I see the activities person at the hospital next week and I am assuming it will be my last visit for now. I have progressed enough that I can do most everything if I am careful. My muscles are not as sore which is good. I will need to start yoga and arm exercises once the outside work is done. 


My main job this morning is to clean the fridge and floor area so I can plug in the fridge tomorrow. I will need to make sure the towels are laundered in case I need them. If there is time before noon, I would like to pick tomatoes and peppers. I may pull the cucumbers as they are done. After lunch I want to sew on the doll's dress and knit this evening. 

Until the next time..............................................................