Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Controlled Hoarding in the Sewing Room?

Saturday got to 21C and it was warm and humid after the small rainfall we had in the morning. Sunday morning and Monday morning were both cool at 4C and sunny. This morning it is -2C and frost is on the pumpkins. 
No snow, just frost. 


The fair is over for another year. We went on Saturday and left early as it was quite warm and humid. Sunday we went later and it was cool and drier. The humidity dropped to 37%. And on Monday, cool and dry again; humidity 36%.
Yesterday morning I headed out to help the ladies' group make sandwiches for after a funeral. I enjoy helping this group of ladies. We chit chat and I learn a bit every time we meet. 
When I got home, I ignored the upstairs and went downstairs and wiped the walls in the sewing room. I ignored making the bed, doing the laundry, and wiping down the bathroom. I was thinking of the sewing room and ignored the rest of the house. I am a slob as the jobs are quite easy to forget ignore. 
Yesterday morning while I was doing my daily internet reading I came across what one person said about organization. He said:
.... I read (I can’t remember where) a definition of organization that made my heart skip a beat. ..they said that organization is just well controlled hoarding!
I now need to remember that so I don't bring extra items in the house, organize them, and realize I have controlled hoarding. I need to mutter daily "Less is more" "Less is more" a hundred times a day. 


I think my sewing room is an area that has well controlled hoarding. At least it is in my mind. I want way less than what I have and I decided to really focus and work hard on this. 
I have continued cutting out items while the sewing room is being worked on. These last few days have seen me cut out 5 meters. Go Me!! Now to sew up what I have cut out. Hopefully later this week while the paint is drying. 
While wiping the walls in the sewing room, I thought about my vision of the room. It has been hard to figure it out when I know I want the stash shelf gone. But, I did figure out if I put the corner desk into the corner where the shelf was, I can put the shelf on the door wall. When the shelf is gone, I can put my second desk for beading into that area along with a good lamp. That is the dark corner.
While thinking of the beading desk, I thought about all the beads in it. All is organized and it really is controlled hoarding. I'm going to dig it all out and put it on the cutting table, sort through it and give away the larger beads. I'll keep the smaller ones as I use them for doll jewelry
How did I get so many beads when I said I was going to keep the supply small when I started? I really got carried away buying beads when they were discounted and then discounted by another 50%. I had to organize the huge basket one night and my pile just kept getting bigger and bigger. I'm sure that a group in Windsor will be happy to take them off my hands. 


I have to do laundry, my usual chores and sand the closet and windows in the sewing room. I will look to see if I have red piping and then dig out all the beads to sort into the keep and donate piles. That should keep me busy for the day. If I get frustrated, I will take the last of the paint/stain off the first side of the second shelf. 
Until the next time..........................

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