It is the last day of December and a cold one. We have a special weather statement saying we will get snow/rain off the Great Lakes New Years Day. This morning it is -13C and we should see those temperatures for the next couple of days. Truly Nova Scotia weather.
This past year has been somewhat of a successful year in the sewing room. The room got painted and is so much lighter and brighter. I do enjoy sewing in there. We love the color so much, the whole house will be painted that color.
This year, the sewing was mainly tiny. I did a lot of doll sewing exploring with patterns I was given or bought. I had some successes in the doll world. Doll sewing started out with easy pieces such as leggings, simple dresses, and t-shirts. The biggest challenge was making Anna's black pants as I had to redesign the back piece thanks to a friend who did it first.
I did more pieces that took a bit of creating using ideas I found on Pinterest.
Lastly I ventured out and tried a complete outfit. It was a goal of mine and hard to achieve.
Next up, came sewing Edwardian clothing for the dolls. It was fun but I have to say the pattern directions left a lot to be desired.
I even worked on my photography skills and started to use backdrops. In the midst of all this sewing, I became a pattern tester for Pixie Faire. I did stretch my learning skills when sewing for the dolls. I especially learned more about which patterns and fabrics went well together to create outfits that looked great. The secondary thing I learned was pleats. It started off with the Georgian period clothing and ended up with a bespoke kilt.
I did a lot of stretching and learning in knitting this year. I really moved forward from knitting in my comfort zone to trying new things. Dolls are a great place to learn as the items are actually samplers. After knitting some turtle neck sweaters from the neck down, I decided to knit a two piece set. The pattern is easy to follow so I chose to learn two techniques; adding beads and doing an i-cord edge.
That led to another beaded design on yarn that didn't work out. The design was great though. I knit a sweater three times as the pattern is cute. I worked on the front edge of this pattern as I wanted it to look smooth. I did two white and one blue sweater.
I knit another pattern twice using a new designer to me
I also knit a dress where I learned a few tricks -- the pockets were the area of learning.
My biggest flop was this sweater. Yarn and pattern did not go together. I'll try it again using a different yarn.
The item I made that I loved is this sweater.
The sweater was a test pattern and pairing it with a plaid skirt was a perfect marriage. The hardest item I knit was this dress. Blocking the skirt so it wouldn't roll was a painful experience.
I knit a very easy cape to go over it and was pleased with the results.
2018 was the first year that I really explored. I chose the doll world to explore in as the items are small and more like samples that can be worn. I had hoped for 20 outfits to sell but I ended up with 4. One I sold and the other 3 languish in the sewing room waiting for the next 17 outfits. I have learned through reading, watching, and asking that seasonal outfits sell the best. I like the combination of knitting and sewing for an outfit. It seems to be what others are looking for. Having a bit of a story also helps gets a vision of what I want to make. Fabric choice is important. Pairing fabric to pattern is number 1 but choosing fabric that isn't too focused on one idea is of great importance.
Where Do I Want to Go
I want to work on getting 17 more outfits done in 2019. I am looking at my patterns, fabric and yarn and am hoping to make good marriages between them all.
I really stretched my learning in the doll's world this year. I am planning on taking two courses to help me out and then spend time doing more complicated outfits. I need to stop overthinking and let my ideas flow. I can be my own worst enemy.
The weather is cool this morning after having a lovely 8C high yesterday. The weather was cool over Christmas and then it snowed hard on Dec. 28. Our trip home from the airport was 90+ minutes. It took son about 2 hours to come in to pick us up. Lifestyle We had a great visit at Daughter's over the holidays. The temperatures were around freezing and it snowed on Boxing Day. A good 4" fell. It was nice when we left on the 28th but started to snow after that. They had a substantial snowfall in the area.
I ironed a lot of fabric for Daughter and we estimate it was a good 70 meters. As I showed her fabric, she decided on what would go with it and I ironed and bagged 13 future shirts for her. That alone was a good 25 - 30 meters. That didn't include 3 shirts that were cut out and in bags already. I will start sewing on Jan. 1, 2019. I have January's items ready. They are the items cut out from October plus finishing my t-shirt. I have to order tracing paper before I can start a shirt. If possible, I would love to sew one shirt before the end of January.
While at Daughter's I knit one messy bun hat. I have to cast on another one January 1 and get it knit. I also have to knit on my scarf. I think I have to do a test knit for a lady (private) this month. So January is a busy month.
Daughter-in-law and I are going grocery shopping today and then it will be a quiet evening. We are almost back to normal from our trip. We are out tomorrow night for a while so we need to rest and get caught up in our missed sleep. Until the next time.......................
Our weather has been quite unusual. On Thursday, we had a high of 4C with sunshine. Overnight, it got to -6C and yesterday we saw the temperature rise all day. This morning it is 14C, windy and rainy. The snow is gone and all is wet.
Thursday, grandson and I went to Bedford to shop. We went to Pete's, a grocery that imports interesting things. Grandson got a few items he wanted and I got him raisins for his snack. Then it was off for a quick trip to Fabricville to get the fleece for his birthday blanket and some items for sewing. Onto to Walmart and finally Michaels. We had lunch at Subway and then home. Yesterday, the Spousal Unit and I headed to New Minas to have the tires checked on the car. One of the tires said it was having an issue. In the end, all 4 tires needed to be inflated as the tech didn't put enough air in them when they were rotated. We got a few items and headed home. At home, laundry was done, items packed for our trip, and a run made into town to pick up and deliver a gift. In all, our shortest day was a very busy one.
I got more lime green cord for the next frog bag, piping for the triangle pocket grocery bag, some snaps, and the fleece for grandson's birthday blanket. He chose black on one side and cream on the other. This blanket is 80" long and I will set it up in January to work on a bit each day. I have some ironing to do and then will unplug everything in the basement. For the dolls, I bought a inflatable snow ring. I usually do not buy accessories as they are bulky and hard to store. But this is an easy one.
I have plans on making a snowsuit and this will be cute when I photograph it.
I have worked on the scarf and it isn't twisted this time. I spent quite a bit of time making sure all the stitches were going in the same direction when I started knitting in the round.
This scarf is an easy knit. Thirty stitches out of the 200 are in lace, the rest are knit. I usually knit 4-6 rows a night on it. I hope it can be finished by the end of January.
I have to finish laundry, finish packing, get my meds from the pharmacy, and be prepared to leave very early tomorrow morning. We are almost ready to go and I'd like to be ready just after lunch. I won't be posting until we get back. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas. Until the next time.............................
The weather has been hovering between 0C and -4C for the past couple of days. Tuesday was snowy and yesterday was sunny. We are now going to be warm as a storm comes up from the Gulf of Mexico.
Tuesday's view
We are on the road to becoming well. I am barely coughing and slept well for the first time in a couple of weeks. The Spousal Unit is almost over his cold also. It will be nice when our energy levels are back to normal. At the moment, we will enjoy feeling like normal. We had grandson yesterday morning. We so enjoy having him around. He visits, plays with the Wii, and keeps un entertained.
I wasn't going to sew until Jan. 1 but this little bag called me. It was a fun make and I had it done in no time flat.
The pattern can be found here. This size is free on the website. I bought the pattern a couple of years ago to make the other sizes. I have the outer fabric to make one more bag but need to get lining fabric out of the stash. I have been working on photographing what I make. One of my goals should be how to use my big camera. I use my iPhone camera which is pretty good. I do need to work on my back drop. I see the fabric is a bit wrinkles at the bottom.
I knit on the scarf until I realized I had a twist in it. I ripped it out and have it started again. I made super sure it wasn't twisted this time. Until I get it right, I won't be knitting on another item.
Grandson and I are going to Bedford to shop. I have a few items to pick up in three stores and I hope to be home by noon. This afternoon, I need to bring up the suitcases and start packing. Until the next time............................
Yesterday was grey with snow and rain. The temperature hovered around 0C all day. Today the temperature is about the same and it is snowing out. The wind is blowing and it looks cold out there. A good day to stay in the house.
Yesterday morning we had grandson with us. He played a bit outside and then was indoors until he went home. I baked cookies -- gingersnaps and most went home with grandson. In the afternoon, I had a nap. The power outage was routine management according to son. It was out for 2 hours and 40 minutes. I am hoping I am caught up now but that remains to be seen.
I'm hunting for ideas for the next doll's outfit. I have two shirts cut out and need to figure out what I want to go with them. Pants, leggings, skirts, sweaters are rolling in my head. Once they are done, I will be looking at ideas for inspiration. In January, I will have to test sew a pattern. Hopefully, it will bloom into a good idea. Two ideas that are tickling in my brain are
The yellow outfit is the same skirt as the one I just made. I will have to look for a new plaid for it. Leggings and t-shirt are in my pattern stash. Something will hit me and I can be off and running with this idea. The long plaid skirt is an easy one to make. I have the tulle for the bottom, the plaid for the skirt and I would probably knit a sweater to wear with it. The ideas are endless for this one. I also have a few ideas in my head for spring and summer. I am watching the market for doll clothes as it is very flat right now. I know the creative well fitting outfits are selling but they need to look outstanding. Even used doll sales are poor. Prices climbed up and people are not willing to pay new price for a used doll.
I started on the scarf for me. I am thrilled with it.
Every other row, I knit 14 beads. I am using the clear ones I bought and will have to get another couple of vials for this scarf. It is an easy knit and I'm loving it. The beads give it a bit of bling but it isn't over the top. I have been commissioned to knit 5 messy bun hats for a group in BC. The yarn is chosen for 3 of them. I hope to pick up one skein to do a test run on the hat. My over the Christmas knitting.
Yesterday was warm with a high of 6C. Today is cooler with a chance of "wintery conditions". I guess that means snow.
The Spousal Unit has been on his puffer for over 24 hours and is doing well on it. He is hardly coughing and the cold weather is not affecting him. We both napped yesterday as we were tired from the night before. I bet we sleep today as we had a power outage last night for 90 minutes. The joys of lack of sleep.
I cut out and sewed the pleated skirt. It was a fun item to make and fits the doll well. There is enough fabric left to make a dress for one doll and I will knit a bolero to go with it. But not until after Christmas as I am done sewing for this year.
I started my scarf. Version 1 got about 10 rows knit and I hated it. So I started Version 2. I have knit 1/4 of the first round. We will see if I like this version better. This scarf is the one I will build my wardrobe around so I have chosen a denim variegated yarn. I also need to cast on socks for grandson. That will happen in January.
My plan is to vacuum the house and make cookies. We will have grandson here while son is at physiotherapy. He and I will sneak out to get a few groceries and then he can play on the Wii. Until the next time.......................
Yesterday was warm with a high of 8C. Today is cooler with some clouds but we should see some sunshine. It will be coolish until Friday when we will see warm temperatures again.
Yesterday morning I wrapped Christmas presents until noon. It was quite the project. They have been delivered. In the afternoon we took grandson to the library and did a bit of shopping. We had tea and cookies at his house and it ended up being an enjoyable afternoon. I put the Spousal Unit onto his puffer last night. He had a coughing spell and was wheezing. It worked and he slept all night. He is feeling much better this morning.
The plaid is laundered and waiting for me to sew the skirt. I am excited to make it today. After it is done, I will probably shut down the sewing room to prepare for our trip next Sunday morning.
I finished the doll's sweater last night and it turned out as I had imagined.
The buttons are perfect for the look I am going for. I will definitely make this pattern up again. I have ideas in my head for it. I may start my scarf tonight or tomorrow. I'm 16 days behind on it. I would love to take it with me but I am thinking I'll leave it at home.
I'm sewing that skirt today and getting the photos ready to hand into the designer. If there is enough time, I will do a bit of housework. If not, I'll rest as I was the one short on sleep last night. Until the next time.........................
Yesterday it was cooler with a wake up temperature of -12C. On the positive side, the sun is shining and there is very little wind. By mid afternoon, it was +3C. This morning it is 4C and we are to see a high of 6C.
We are both getting better. I am still coughing more than I like but it is what it is. The Spousal Unit had a good sleep for two afternoons and it helped him a lot. He will be over his cold soon. Thursday was more housework and budget. The guest room is 3/4 cleaned, the bathroom done, and some floors swept. Even laundry was done. Yesterday I went to Dartmouth to do some shopping. It is getting busy. My next trip will be to New Minas so I can finish up and have the car checked. Hopefully, I will be done Monday except for a few groceries.
Grandson's pants are hemmed. I stuck with it until I got them done. Now I can start wrapping presents. After I cleaned up from hemming, I looked for the plaid fabric for the doll's skirt. I found it but I don't have enough. I bought this piece.
I have the pattern I want to use and can make it in an afternoon. Hmmmmm, maybe this afternoon.
I knit away until I ran out of yarn.
One of my stops was to get more yarn and they no longer carry this color in the store. Online buying only. I am unraveling one of the doll's sweaters and got the sweater ready to sew together today. On a positive note -- this is one beautiful pattern to knit.
The goal is to wrap presents. I would love to sew on the doll's skirt and try to finish up the sweater. How much will I get done? I may have overflow to Sunday. Until the next time......................
Yesterday was cool but sunny. At noon flurries started to fall and then it got heavier and steadier. The wind blew in from the north and it is cold and clear today. It is suppose to start warming up for a few days.
I'm still improving. The cough is annoying but it has its value. I didn't nap yesterday and was out for almost an hour without feeling tired. I cleaned the master bedroom yesterday. Dusting, cleaning the floor and laundering all the bedding. It is nice to have one room clean. I hope to continue cleaning up the house a bit each day.
The lady loves her bag. She would have chosen those fabrics. I am so happy that she loves it. I have seen this picture all over Pinterest. It is an outfit I loved at first sight.
It so reminded me of a black watch skirt I made many many years ago. It was cut on the bias with no pleats and I wore a navy pullover sweater with it. I am wanting to make the dolls one skirt to look something like this using this pattern.
I will make it a bit longer and cut the yoke on the bias. It should be a fun make. I am hemming pants for grandson as they are his Christmas present. I am hoping they will be done this afternoon.
I continued to knit on the doll's sweater yesterday and will need to buy more yarn for it.
I have it still on two circular needles and will do so for several more row. It is easier to knit this way. The pattern is established enough that I can quickly see if I have made a mistake. This sweater will have small pewter colored button on it and will be paired with the plaid skirt. The doll can wear black tights and grey boots for a festive Christmas look.
I have more laundry to do and would love to clean the bathroom. I also need to work on our budget. It has been ditched due to illness and I need to get it done. The last item on the list is to finish hemming grandson's pants. A rather busy day. Until the next time.........................
We are having a bit of a cold spell at the moment. The weather is sunny which is nice. Today we are to see flurries as we are heading towards some warmer weather.
I am on the uphill swing with this cold. I am still coughing but am feeling a lot better. I am thinking ahead rather than in the moment. And happy to be doing so. The Spousal Unit, on the other hand, has this horrid cold. He is feeling miserable and cranky. He's the one thinking in the moment.
I mustered enough energy to finish the reusable grocery bag. It was a case of push coming to shove to see if I got it done. I was weaker than I thought I was.
I took my time with the lining to make sure it fit perfectly. In the end, it turned out quite nice. It is off to its new owner today.
I unknit the two rows of the doll's sweater. What a huge job to get 2 rows unknit. I had hand cramps due to the fact the stitches were crammed onto the needle in places. Once I established I had all the stitches I did what a lady told me to do. I knit the first front and half of the first sleeve onto circular needle #2. Then I knit the second half of the sleeve, the back and half of the second sleeve onto circular needle #1. The other half of the sleeve and the second front went onto circular needle #2. It's a bit of puzzle getting the parts onto the right needle when knitting but it is so much easier to knit. The sleeves bend in half and float over the 6 cast off stitches in the main body. I'll take a picture of it as it's quite the site to see.
We are getting new heat pumps put in so I have to rush to shower, have breakfast and move furniture around. I also need to turn on the electric baseboard heat so we stay warm today. Until the next time...........................
It is snowing this morning and it is -5C. It has been like this for a few days now and we do ave snow on the ground. Suppose to warm up on Friday to +9C.
I am up. I am showered. I am dressed. The first time in 3 days I got this far. It has been to the couch and to bed. It wasn't the best few days of my life. Yesterday morning, I was starting to think I needed to go to emergency as I was not feeling so great. I went to bed, slept for quite a while and woke up knowing I was on the mend. I even felt better after the second sleep after lunch. Today I'm feeling better yet. Still coughing, still sweating, but clear headed and thinking. The Spousal Unit has the cough so we got him on cough syrup and what ever else we have right away. He is in better shape than I was at that stage so here's hoping he will win the battle.
I have been in the sewing room once in the past week. I needed knitting needles. Everything is waiting patiently for me down there. I doubt if I will get at it today as I still need to rest.
I knit 2 rows on the doll's sweater. They are coming out and I'm trying a new technique. Putting 40 stitches into a space that has 5 cast of stitches is near impossible. An internet friend suggested using 2 circular needles so the sleeves can spread out. So I will unknit the 2 rows and try that.
The goal is to survive. I need to do laundry and shopping. I will be throwing in a load of laundry and it can wash while I shop. I plan on resting a lot and drinking lot of fluids. And maybe nap. Until the next time............................
Yesterday morning there was a skiff of snow, the sky cleared and we had beautiful sunny weather. About mid afternoon, it started to snow again and we have about 1.5" of snow on the ground. Today is cool and we may see flurries. Again we may not.
Just as I thought I was on the road to getting better, I had a night of coughing, weird dreams, and other horrid feelings. I am, once again, tired, feeling yucky, and ready for bed at 6:30 a.m. The poor Spousal Unit isn't sleeping too well due to my coughing. As I felt better yesterday morning, I cleaned up the kitchen, did a roasted chicken dinner, and was quite happy thinking I was getting better. I even had a sleep in the afternoon hoping I would be well enough to go out today. So, I hit the road to "one step forward, two steps back". I will be resting today, drinking lots of fluids, and hoping I will be better tomorrow. Until the next time................................
We are experiencing cooler weather. Temperatures are below 0C during the nights and closer to 0C during the day. Winter is here.
I made it back to the land of the living. I felt much better yesterday and only laid down once to rest (not sleep) for an hour. I have the nasty cough which is quite annoying but it will disappear in its own good time. I weighed in last night and was down 6 lbs. Most of that loss is fluid but there is a bit of weight loss there also. I know I have lost the fluid as I can put on by snow boots and they are loose when I easily zipped them up. I did a bit of housework yesterday and am planning on doing a bit today. I look at the house and think I'm a total loss but I'm not. Being sick doesn't help keep the house in order. But it does make me feel negative about my abilities. I need to move on. I stopped reading A Slob Comes Clean blog. I really enjoyed it. After reading her two books, it was time to figure out a schedule. I found this idea on Pinterest and am going to give it a try. I will try to do two squares a day.
I may come up with a plan of my own that works well for me and my brain.
I got into the sewing room and made sure the lining was the same as the outer part of the bag. I am hoping to sew the outer part this afternoon.
I had no attention span or brain cells that worked for knitting so it waits for me to get better. I really don't need to make mistakes.
The goal is to make beds and clean the bathroom. I do need to shop for a few groceries and then I want to sew. I'm sure I will be quite tired tonight and will be resting in the evening. I know I can't over do it for a few more days. Until the next time......................
The weather has gone from warm to cool and tonight to cooler. We did have a bit of snow yesterday morning.
The cold won!! I was sick yesterday and today. Coughing, sneezing, and feeling ultra miserable. I couldn't even keep my prescriptions down this morning. I did take my blood pressure pills after lunch when I thought I could do it. Yesterday I lounged on the couch most of the day. Today it's been between the bed and the couch. I have slept for 2-3 hours each time I go to bed. I normally don't get this sick so am wondering if it is a combination of water pills drying me out, the cold and who knows what else. Tomorrow, my goal is to do as little as possible. I want to get well again so I can keep trucking on. I will keep you posted. Until the next time..................
Yesterday's weather was nondescript. You know, grey, unassuming, not too cold, not too warm. Today will be the same with maybe some rain this afternoon.
We really enjoyed having grandson spend the night and morning with us. He is quite the kid to have around. He left at noon and we do miss him. After lunch I took the Spousal Unit out to the store and when I got home, I went to bed. I woke up an hour later with a full blown chest cold. It is the most annoying thing to have. When I woke up this morning, I coughed a lot, got up early, and was back in bed 90 minutes later. I slept for 30 minutes but need to go back for a while longer. I have absolutely no energy. And I alternate between hot and cold. I'm doing the worst day today.
I puttered in the sewing room yesterday playing with a reusable bag idea. I want to dress up a plain bag so it has a bit of class. I used a piece of very black cotton and took scraps of fabric and did this down the front.
The center piece is 3" wide and each side is turned back 1/4" making this piece 2.5" wide. I cut the black and white dot fabric 1" wide folded it in half and tucked it under the center fabric so 1/4" shows. I did some basting and pinning and it's ready to sew down. I'll piddle around to make sure it looks good as I sew it down.
I worked on the doll sweater and have done the ribbing and 3 full patterns. When I'm ready to add the sleeves, I will have to redo them as they are wrong. It is totally my fault but I can knit them at the same time when redoing them. They will take two evenings to do.
I will do a bit of grocery shopping and spend time in bed. It is going to be mostly a nothing day as I fight this cold. Until the next time......................
Yesterday was another grey fall day but we had less wind and very little rain. The sun even shone in the afternoon. Today is cooler (-2C) and we could have some sun.
I am feeling much better after taking the second water pill. I lost another 1.5 lbs of fluid and it is amazing how I feel not lugging around that 4.5 lbs. I ate well and even planned for a hamburger for dinner. I am less tired and have more energy. Let's hope this keeps us. I know I will soon be loosing just excess weight but at the moment it's nice to know I'm not all over the board basic housework and cleaned the fridge. My goal is to do the basic housework each day and a bit of deeper cleaning. Grandson spent the night with us and we really enjoy having him. He is up listening to songs on his iPad until he eats his breakfast.
My sewing goal was to finish grandson's pajama bottoms. I serged the fronts and sewed them together. I was done in good time. When done, I even cleaned up the sewing room. I'm working on that habit and love leaving the room tidy. My next project is a reusable grocery bag for a lady who has asked. I have a plan to use up some scraps on it. All in black and white. After it is done, I am going to finish my grey t-shirt. I have to cut out new sleeves and put them in, sew up the side seams and hem. Not a lot to do.
I looked at the sweater and way back I made a mistake on row 4. I ripped it out and about 5 tries later, I got the first row of ribbing established. My plan is to knit the button holes at each front band and use one for a button hole and other for the button placement. I am going to put away some yarn and get out the yarn for my scarf. I want to start it later this week. I just need to admire the yarn for a few days before I start knitting.
It will be a quiet day with a bit of housework, some sewing and some knitting. Until the next time.............................
Yesterday we had a nor-easter and it was a wild one. The winds were howling and snow/rain fell most of the day. Over 200 000 people were without power yesterday morning. We had our power for which we were thankful for. Today is cloudy with wind but nothing like yesterday.
I took my first water pill yesterday and ate carefully. This morning I am down 3 lbs, most of which will be water. My hands are not as puffy (I thought they were fine but they weren't) and my legs and ankles are much better also. I didn't realize I had so much fluid on me. I do feel better overall. This fluid retention started back when we lived in Kamloops. It wasn't much but it was there. I'm wondering if it will affect my thyroid medication. We shall see. I also watched what I ate yesterday. I'm trying to eat less points to help the weight come off easier. Not sure how this will work. I did a quick clean up of the house as I had to be out to get more medications and return books to the library.
I did not do any sewing at all yesterday but took a nap instead (wind kept me awake during the night). I have to finish up grandson's pajama bottoms and then make a reusable grocery bag. That will be another 1.1 meters out of the stash.
I worked on the sweater in the afternoon and evening. It is coming along. We are starting to make suggestions to the designer.
I have been busy with cleaning this morning and am ready to head down to the sewing room and sew in the afternoon. We pick up grandson and he is spending the night with us. Until the next time...........................
Yesterday was grey with a few showers. The temperature got to 6C which was nice. Today, it is raining hard, the wind is blowing and it is to be cool at 1C. We actually had a bit of snow fall and it could continue falling during the day.
I was to the doctor yesterday. My thyroid is running a bit fast so I am starting to alternate between 2 different doses. Have done this before. My blood pressure is still up and my dose was doubled three months ago. I'm now on a water pill to see if that will help. I see the doctor in 3 months unless I have issues. Our daughter texted that their male dog died during a simple operation. We were stunned and then angry when we found out they didn't give him oxygen (forgot to turn it on). Simon will be sorely missed by everyone as he was such a goof ball. Always happy and always on the go.
After a morning of running around, I headed to the sewing room to cut out grandson's pajama bottoms. I bought this flannel quickly as it was gone within a week of putting it out for sale.
The flannel is cozy and warm and I enjoyed handling it. The back pieces are serged and I'm ready to start serging the front pieces. A couple of days and they will be done.
I crocheted this cute little shawl for the dolls. I want to make an outfit to go with denim colored one.
I cast on the sweater body a second time yesterday. I made a mistake on the first row. While knitting the first row the second time, I counted out the pattern (2 purls, 1 knit) and got it right. I'm about 2/3rd the way done the ribbing. I will keep knitting away on it until it's done. Once done, I can start my scarf. Today I have some housework to do and then it will be sewing on the pajama bottoms. We do have to go out and pick up my medication and return books to the library. Other than that, it's a great day to stay inside. Until the next time...........................
Yesterday the weather was wet. It rained off and on all day. This morning, it is warm (6C) and cloudy. Our weather watch is gone.
With the wet weather, I decided to spend the morning doing housework. The idea was to get the upstairs tidy. Surfaces wiped, floor swept and mopped, and items picked up and put away. It wasn't a project. The idea was to get caught up in the housework so I can do a bit more each day in getting the house really clean. I actually did succeed. The only room that got a good cleaning was the bathroom. I did the remainder of the house so it looks clean. I am ready to start a cleaning schedule. I hope to set the schedule up in the bullet journal. My pain level yesterday was virtually non existent. I was able to do everything with only a few twinges. It felt good. Today I am a bit sore between the shoulder blades but am hoping it will ease off as I do things.
After lunch, I hemmed grandson's school pants. They are done and delivered. When I got home, I started laying out the fabric for his pajama pants. I need to smooth the fabric out in preparation to putting the pattern on. The flannel is soft and lovely and I bought it over a year ago. I have no more flannel for him in the stash which is nice. I will have to buy him a piece for the next ones I make.
The second sleeve is done and the body stitches are cast on ready to start knitting. I am really liking the pattern and am thinking of how I can adapt it for the Gotz Girls. I am preparing to start my scarf. I will put it all into a small knitting bag so it is contained. I'll do the same for grandson's socks.
I am off to see the doctor for the results of my thyroid test and to get prescriptions. In the afternoon, I will work on grandson's pajama bottoms and then knit if I have time. Until the next time...........................
Yesterday, the weather was grey, above freezing, a bit windy, and no moisture. Today, we are suppose to get to 5C and have rain. The first of two low pressure systems is moving in.
Yesterday, I had some pain but was more tired than I have been. I slept in for an extra hour but roaming the house at night is keeping me tired. I refused to nap yesterday and slept better last night. I woke this morning virtually pain free. I will keep stretching during the day to keep the pain at bay. My eating habits were off yesterday -- tired and cranky does it to me every time.
I sewed a button onto grandson's suit jacket and took it over when I house sat while the cleaners were there. Next up is lowering the hems on his pants. I did finish a cute craft project. The left over fabric will be bagged to use for Japanese fabric weaving. I am looking forward to doing that in 2019.
I am doing a test pattern for a lady. It is a cute pattern and page 1 of the instructions is well written and easy to follow. Too bad I got carried away and had to unknit 8 rows.
I love the pattern and it is just knit and purl. I need to see where it fits under the arm of the doll and if too short, I will have to redo it in a larger needle size.
The plan is to clean house and hem grandson's pants. Actually 2 pairs of pants as he is getting a pair for Christmas. With rain in the forecast, I will enjoy being inside. Until the next time.......................