Saturday, June 01, 2024

Moose Embroidery Started

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 18.1C. This morning it is basically clear and 4C. The fog is starting to roll in. Today there is to be sunshine, clouds, and showers with a high of 16C. 


My hip was tired yesterday so I did a mix of cleaning and resting. I cleaned out the front hall closet and washed the floor in there, the top landing, stairs, and door landing. I will have to say it was dirty and dusty. It looks quite clean and very tidy now. 

While resting, I did some genealogy on a great uncle and his children. I am moving down the list of children he and his wife had. Some of the children are buried in a big cemetery in Lower Sackville. It is interesting learning what the children's full names are, and how many of them stayed in the Halifax area. Their father left them and went to New York where he lived another life. He left his wife to raise their 11 children without any support. A very interesting story. 

I picked up grandson from school and had dinner with family. Smoked pulled pork that daughter-in-law made and it was delicious. We helped clean up and took over when her knee gave out with a bone on bone crack. She will recover but will have to take it easy for a couple of days. 

I thought my tiredness was from doing too much but when I rolled over in bed, my SI joint cracked back into place. Though I had very little pain from it being out, it was the reason I was having mobility issues yesterday. I thought everything was tired from doing too much. 


I finished up snowball block 4 and then set up the machine to do the embroidery. I did the first block and hated it. 

I had done the colours wrong and nothing popped like I wanted it to. 

It looked okay with the snowball blocks, piping, and fabric but it was blah. I redid the block putting the dark for the antlers and the light for the face. Much better. 

It isn't finished as I had to leave to get grandson. 


I worked on grandson's sock last night and did another 10 rows on the heel flap. 

I am not partial to greens but I do like the combination in this yarn. 


    There have been several discussions lately about house sales. Some people say it is going to explode and others say it is slowing down. In our subdivision, 1 house has sold below asking price, another is pending, and the 3rd is still for sale. In the 55+ community behind us, there are 7 new places for sale and 1 other one that is about 7 years old. There are more new houses going up all the time but none are selling. I think most people don't want to pay over $500K for a house when they are close to retirement. They also have to pay taxes and another fee on top of that plus the usual bills we have. The plot of land is small and the houses are close together. The conversations will continue and we wait and see. 

    I was a bit bummed that my SI joint was out of place but was happy it reseated itself. It has been quite a while since that has happened so I am hoping that it will be longer between incidents. What was nice was the muscles didn't hurt as much as they use to when the joint was not seated correctly. 

    I am trying to put together a plan so I can weed the hedge and spray the weeds. I will also weed eat part of the ditch. The weather is making me think how to do it as we could have showers. 


I want to go to Sackville to return a solar light as it isn't working and get a six pack of petunias and jalapeño peppers. This afternoon I want to do the 2nd moose square and begin to sew the blocks together. I will see how far I get. Tonight I will knit on the socks. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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