Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Wet And Busy Day

 Yesterday was wet until about 11 am. We had about 3/4" of rain and it came down heavy at times. The high got to 22.1C (humidex 29C). The wind came out of the north at 3 pm and the humidity was gone. This morning it is 16C. Today we are to have showers and 21C. 


I pushed myself to do things yesterday. I swept the living room floor and washed it. I swept the hall floor and washed it. I cleaned the dining room, swept the floor and washed it. It was done at a slow pace as I was really tired and not feeling well. I was dealing with a minor case of heat exhaustion.

During the rain storm, we had thunder and it kept rolling in closer and closer. I chose not to do laundry as I wasn't sure if we would loose power or not. The last clap of thunder was close and 57 homes behind us lost power for several hours. Elliott chose to exit to the basement at the last clap of thunder and sleep in the sewing room under 2 blankets. He emerged mid afternoon. 

I was out to the shed in the afternoon to take miniatures to the lady who put the lady bug rock in the hedge. She was delighted to get them. I did look at the tomato plants and took a picture of the beefsteak tomato. We will have one tomato for sure to put on hamburgers this summer. 

I also took pictures of the Hungarian peppers. They are growing and are full of buds. 

I will be sharing cucumbers with friends as they lost all theirs in the heat. Good thing I have over 20 plants which I need to thin down to 16. 

I ate well yesterday and didn't have a nap though it was tempting. I was in bed early as I couldn't keep my eyes open. The a/c was on to keep the house cool as it was warm and wet outside. Not a lot of humidity though which was nice. 


I drafted a top pattern to go with the palazzo pants. I had to watch the video to get it done. 

It is lined and will have a bit of gathering at the yoke. I didn't want a lot of gathering as it will be worn under a jacket. 

I took pictures of the Lady Lilly dress and hat. I did mirror pictures for it. 

I am happy with how the hat turned out and the flowers are glued on solidly. 

I finished the palazzo pants. I need to add one more snap to the back opening which I will do today. 

If I make them again, I will use a drapey fabric. The cotton is a bit too stiff for them. 

I added the hat and she is ready for an outing. 

Though it was early, I stopped for the day. I was too tired to play with the top pattern. 


I showed daughter-in-law the work sock yarn and she wants a pair also. We will get the yarn in late August. With that in mind, I knit 16 rounds last night on the second sock. 

The design is on the opposite side of the front this time and I have to remember that while knitting. It will become easier as the leg gets longer. 


    It is amazing how fast everything is recovering after the rain. Plants that were drooping are now perked up. Flowers will need to be deadheaded but that is okay. They will produce more blooms. The grass is waking up and will be green once again. If we get more rain today, we will be in great shape for a couple of weeks.

    I have been keeping a list for cleaning the house. It is helping me keep on track as I want to do downstairs also. Though I didn't launder the sheets yesterday, I did the upstairs freezer inventory. Having the list is also helping me keep the clean areas cleaner. When I sweep the targeted area, I do floors in the cleaned areas. I also mop them. Win-win. 

    Meal planning is eluding me at the moment. With the heat, I didn't want to cook so ate poorly. I am trying to figure out a plan and will start working on it. I need to have ideas for hot days when I don't want to cook. Even barbecuing is hard as I have to cook in the hot afternoon sun. I need to stop making excuses for not having a plan. 


I have a doctor's appointment this morning and then am heading to New Minas to shop. I hope to cut out the doll's top this afternoon and start sewing it. Tonight I will knit on socks. 

Until the next time............................................................

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