Friday, May 31, 2024

A Lot Accomplished

 Yesterday started out sunny and then it got dark and cloudy in the afternoon. There were showers with a high of 21.3C. This morning it is clearing off and 9C. Today we are to have sun, clouds, showers, and a high of 18C. 


I was on the move most of yesterday. After getting a hair cut, I was off to Wolfville to look for yarn for grandson's socks. I had to park and walk to the yarn shop which was good for me. I found what I wanted. It is a nice yarn and I will make another pair of socks with what is left. 

Next it was to New Minas where I bought a bit more fabric for the bag. I want to make sure I have enough fabric and will use the left over fabric for wine bottle bags. From there it was to the postoffice to mail a box to daughter. 

Once home, I had a short rest, starched the fabrics and hung them to dry. Then it was out the door to plant flowers. I got all the tubs done and need 6 more petunias to finish up. From there I planted all the pepper plants and can put 6 more in that box. Everything got watered by me and then the showers. It cooled off so the transplants had wonderful weather to get established. 

I noticed that the leeks are now established and starting to grow. That is exciting to see as they were so tiny when I put them out. Next up is to plant peas, beans and cucumber seeds. Almost done the garden. I was happy and tired from being on the go all day. My hip told me so though not in a bad way. It was tired. 

I knit last night on grandson's socks. I got the leg completed and the first 10 rows of the heel flap completed. The ball of yarn has 110 grams and I will knit half for each sock and then use the new yarn to finish the socks. I may just have enough yarn but I am not sure. 


    This time last year I had all the vegetable seeds planted but none of the plants out. I am ahead on plants out and will be fine with the seeds as I will have them planted them by Sunday. It was also dry this time last year with two big forest fires raging in the province. We are dry but there are no big forest fires at this time.


I am hoping to clean some of the house and try to plant the peas. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. My hip is tired and I need to pace myself today and rest it. 

Until the next time..................................................

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