Wednesday, June 26, 2024

An Excellent Check-Up

 Yesterday was misty, sunny, and there were a couple of light showers. The high got to 19.2C. This morning it is a mix of sun and cloud and 12C. Today there is suppose to be a chance of drizzle with a high of 26C (humidex 29C).


I was out to see the doctor yesterday morning. I was a bit worried about my test results. I shouldn't have been. My blood pressure is good, A1C is 5.6, liver function is improving, and everything else is excellent. I am to loose the bit of weight I gained over the next couple of months. The only thing of concern is my SI joint not staying seated. But he feels it will come with physio and time. I may never have hip/knee replacements if all goes well. 

I was over to see family and we made a plan for the day. I was to have lunch at their place (yummy good) and then daughter-in-law and I would go to New Minas. 

Our trip to New Minas was fun. We did everything we needed to do and was home by 3:30 pm. I was tired at that time as I had been on the go a lot all day. My hip wasn't as sore as I had expected, just tired. I got everything put away and then had to go back over to family to deliver the chair that we both forgot was in the car. We had a good laugh over that. 


I did not sew yesterday. I did buy fabric to make a doll's outfit. 

The outfit is going to be my rendition of Orange Blossom's outfit. Her's looked like this when she came out in the 1980's.

My fabric is pretty monochromatic. I need to add green and a bit of yellow to the mix. I am still planning and may get another fabric to add to the mix. My pattern is this. 

The hat will be a sunhat that I got for free years ago from Mamma Can Do It


I got half of the leg knit last night. I am happy with that as it was 24 rounds. 

There is a bit of purple showing up in this sock which is interesting as it was yellow in the other sock. 


The goal is to clean the spare room -- dust, sweep, and mop. I have laundry to do and recycling to take out. This afternoon I want to cut out and sew the top for the palazzo pants and jacket. Tonight I want to knit on the sock. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Martha, Louisiana
    What is the sock pattern you use? It is very pretty.
