Tuesday, June 11, 2024

On The Home Stretch

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 22.9C. This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 25C. 


I had osteopathy yesterday and it was a session. I have one very tight muscle that would not loosen up. It was affecting my adductor muscles causing them to be inflamed. I am a bit of a mess at the moment. I did exercise on the bed last night with 3 good cracks. The stretching helped but they are still sore. 

The lawn was mowed yesterday and is looking good. The showers we had has helped it recover. The company is going to trim the hedge when they have time. I need to get mobile enough to weed the hedge. 

I fertilized and watered all the flowers last night. I watered all the vegetables and fertilized all but the cucumbers, beans, and peas. They will be done next week when they are larger. I also weeded the vegetable boxes and around the shed. It was a quick job as there wasn't a lot of weeds. 


I did a bit of sewing prior to leaving for osteopathy and got the top/piping on the bag. In the afternoon, I put the bag together. I had one good struggle with boxing one side of the bag. I actually took it apart, pressed it, and started again. lt is done and in need of a good pressing. 

At this point, I cleaned my iron and then started on the lining. I finished it quickly and inserted it into the bag. I had to cut off 1/2" from the top so it would fit smoothly. I pinned the bag and lining together ready for today. 


I knit the last 25 rounds on the leg and got the heel set up. I knit 2 rows on it before stopping for the night. 

I am pleased with how much I have knit on these socks as the house has been warm in the evenings. 


I am going to go out early and weed for 1 hour. I want to do some laundry, finish the bag, and knit. I also need water the garden tonight. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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