Sunday, June 02, 2024

Progress On The Christmas In July Bag

 Yesterday was cold and windy with a high of 12.9C. This morning it is windy, wet, and 9C. Today we are to have periods of rain and a high of 12C. 


My first job of the morning was to do the balance sheet and pay bills. I had no issues and was pleasantly surprised at how little I had spent during the month. I was saving for tires for the car which will now come out of June's budget. 

I was going to go out after lunch and get plants. I sat looking at the weather and woke up from a 90 minute nap. It was too late to go get plants. I did pay for having the nap as it took me a long time to get to sleep last night. But I must have needed it. 

I did what I needed to do while making dinner. I was going to water the plants but they all were damp enough and not wilting. The new plants are finding the wind hard on them but they will survive. The leeks are now established and growing rapidly. We will have lots for this winter. 

I did do a bit more genealogy and found that one of my great uncle's children was in a school for truant children when he was 13 (1931 census). That school was on a street we drive when going into down town Halifax. On to the next child in that family. 


I did sew in the morning and embroidered the 2nd block. Then it was to sew the blocks together which meant measuring, marking, pinning and then sewing carefully. Piping was added to the sides of the strip and basted on. I then did the straps and they are finished. I have about a meter of piping left from the 4 meters I had made. 

I need to baste piping across the top of the strip and add a piece of the print fabric. The bottom will not have piping as the attached piece will fold under to make the base of the bag. 

Next up is to cut the panels that go on each side of the center panel and cross hatch them. That is 4 panels to do but it will be easy. Most of the hard work is done which is nice. 


I worked on the socks last night. I finished the heel flap and turned the heel. Then I picked up the stitches for the gusset and knit 2 rows on it. 

I want to get these socks done while the set up is fresh in my mind. Then I will go back to finishing the hats and the other pair of socks. I have too much on the go right now and I don't like that. I hope to be done most of the projects by the end of the month. 


I have some housework to do this morning along with laundry. This afternoon I would like to work on the bag and start cross hatching the side panels. Tonight I will knit. It is a stay at home day due to the weather being cool and wet. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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