Monday, June 17, 2024

A Lot Accomplished

 Yesterday was a gorgeous day with lots of sunshine and a high of 21.5C (my kind of day). This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is to be sunny with increasing clouds and a high of 22C.


I did the balance sheet before breakfast. It went quickly without any problems. It is hard to believe that 53% of the month is gone. I am doing well financially also. 

I was out the door shortly after I ate breakfast. I was going to hoe half of the hedge that needed doing (12 plants). I started to hoe and then got the weed bucket. I worked quickly hoeing, picking up weeds, and then doing the rest on my hands and knees. I had got 3 - 5 gallon pails of weeds from that area. 

After a quick shower, I was out the door to get groceries. The store was quiet and I got what I needed quickly, was home by noon, and had everything put away fast. I had lunch and rested for a bit. I was tired. 

I did do some kitchen things in the evening - empty the dishwasher and reload it, cook some chicken for meals this week, and made sure all was cleaned up. I will have to say that I was tired. I did wake up during the night hot. There was no wind and, though it was 12C outside, the house was 22C. I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped to but I will push ahead today. 


I made a cushion cover for one of the pillow forms. I have to tweak the back a bit which will get done today. This cushion cover is just a square of fabric front and back. I sewed it wrong sides together and then put binding around the outside edge. I hand sewed it down. 

The cushion form was stuffed inside, mushed around and then admired. 

When I did the back, I put in the zipper and then overlapped the extra fabric to make a cover for the zipper. It doesn't lay flat so I need to fix that. The instagram video I watched didn't have that problem. 

I have one more cushion cover to make but need to buy a zipper for it on Tuesday. 


I worked on the socks and got the foot done and the first 9 rows of the toe decreases done. I was tired and got confused, unknit, figured out my problem and reknit. It was a counting mistake. All is good now.

I hope to finish the sock tonight. Then onto the other pair of socks and get them done. 


    The flare up I had is over as of this morning. I basically have no pain in the SI joint or muscles. I need to continue doing exercises even on the days I don't work outside. I guess I need to start doing yoga again. I also need to stand and sit straight rather than hunched which I do when I am tired. 

    We are going to have a bit of a heat wave starting tomorrow afternoon. Last years temperatures were about the same as this years but we had more rain fall and way more humidity. We have had some humidity this year but not like it was last year. 

    The garden is growing rapidly now. I am watching the carrots so I can start thinning them. They are too tiny to do right now but I will have to do them in the next few weeks. I looked at the Spousal Unit's rose bush and it is loaded with blooms. I will be enjoying having them in the house this summer. 


I will be out early to do weed around the 12 more shrubs. The goal is to have them done on the house side. Once I'm back inside, I need to do a bit of food prep and fold laundry. This afternoon I want to fix the cushion cover, clean the sewing room and get ready to start putting the binding on the dog quilt. Tonight I hope to finish the sock and do a few rounds on the other pair of socks. I will be staying home today as I have nothing to get or any where to go.

Until the next time....................................................................

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