Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Hedge Is Weeded And Before The Heat Wave

 Though yesterday started out cloudy, the sun did shine. The high got to 28.5C with a humidex of 35C. This morning it is clear and 15C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 33C (humidex 40C). 


Grandson and I were out working on the hedge before 8:30 am. He got most of the weed cloth out while I pulled what was tangled in the roots and did the hand weeding. We cleaned off the weed cloth the best we could, pushed the dirt back up on the shrubs and put the weed cloth into garbage bags. We were done before 10:30 am. We were happy and tired.

After a short rest, I went to New Minas and did some shopping. I took the bag to the quilt shop and filled out the paper work. I was home by 1:30 pm. And I was sore. 

The afternoon was spent sitting and rolling on the hot magic bag. I would get up and walk around while the bag heated up in the microwave. Repeat. It did help quite a bit. I was able to move with a lot less pain. I am hoping it will be gone by Monday as I only have to water the flowers and vegetables. Weeding will happen again in July but only small doses of it. 

In the evening I felt something move behind my ear. I had a wood tick on me. The first in many, many years. I hate them with a passion so this one was killed (hard to do) and disposed of. I had got it while weeding. I felt like I had a hundred wood ticks crawling all over me for the rest of the evening. 

I have started the process of removing thorns from my fingers and legs. So far only one has festered on my leg and 3 were in one finger. I have 4 more that need to come out from another finger but they aren't budging at the moment. Not too bad as I did pick up a lot of dead branches from the ground and got prickled by a lot of the live branches on the plants. 

I started watching a series on Netflix called Muster Dogs. It is about a litter of kelpie dogs that the breeder gives to owners to see if they can be fully trained in 12 months. I watched the first episode which was about the puppies, the new owners, and how they bond with them upon receiving them. 


None done as I spent the time working on the tight piriformis muscle. 

I did watch this video on how to add a cover flap to a cushion cover. I will be doing this to all my cushion covers. 


I finished knitting the heel flap, turned the heel, picked up the gusset stitches, and knit 3 rows on the gusset. (Yes the house was cool). 

This yarn is a beautiful colour combination but not as soft as other yarns I have knit with. 


    I was thrilled to have the hedge done. It is the earliest and the cleanest it has ever been. Grandson was a great help as he could do the parts that could have put my hip out of place. He also lifts the heavy bags for me and puts them in the garage. I really appreciated his help and know that I can  keep the hedge weeded the rest of the summer using the hoe. 

    I looked at the house and know that I will be cleaning it up for the next 2 weeks. I have neglected it doing outside jobs. The goal is to do a room a day and catch up on laundry. I will start on Friday and will be making a list of things I need to do. 

    Daughter-in-law sent me pictures of her rosebush. It has buds that are opening which is exciting. Mine is almost at that stage. They certainly remind us of the Spousal Unit as he loved roses and bought these ones when we moved here. 


Grandson is coming over to weed whack early. I will water the flowers and vegetables and take garbage out to the curb. Once done, daughter-in-law and I are off to the city. I am not sure if I will sew today as it depends on when we get home. I do hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time...................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I watched that series on Netflix about the dogs - enjoyed it lot
