Sunday, June 09, 2024

A Trip To Bridgewater

 Yesterday was cloudy and cooler with a high of 18.2C. This morning it is sunny and 12C. Today is to be sunny with some clouds with a high of 22C. 


I cleaned up the kitchen until all the appliance sparkled. Yes, it was time to make sure the cupboard doors were wiped, counters scrubbed and anything stainless shined up. It was a lot of work but so worth it. 

I went to Bridgewater with family yesterday to watch grandson's team play soccer. The drive was basically foggy so you couldn't see much. Only the 15 km on each side was clear. The soccer pitch was real grass, well manicured, and in great shape. We watched grandson's team win 5-0. Both teams had their weaknesses and strengths. Grandson's team won as they were stronger and knew their keepers were less experienced. The other team had some really good players though which kept the boys on their toes. 

We had dinner at Bridgewater and the part of town we saw has quite a few big box stores. The one thing that I saw was the biggest nursery ever at Canadian Tire. They must do a booming business to be that large. How I wish I could have wandered amongst the plants but we were on our way home when I saw it. 

It was my first time to Bridgewater. I have been to Mahone Bay and Lunenburg which is 5-10 miles southeast. It is where my paternal grandfather's family settled when they immigrated from Newfoundland. 


I drafted a pair of palazzo pants yesterday. I had made the front when I did pattern drafting several years ago. I redid them and also drafted the back piece. They are ready to be traced onto pellon and have the seam allowances added. 

The front and back pieces were trued up while I drafted and when I was done. 

All the seams but the back will have 1/4" seams added. The backs will have 1/2" seams for the fold back and overlap. That seam will have bias trim added to it for a seam finish. The remaining seams will be serged. 

I laid out fabrics to see which pieces go well with the jacket. I like the green stripe fabric the best as do most of the people in the Sewing With Cinnamon course. 

I need to draft a simple sleeveless top that I can pin tuck. I am looking at this fabric only if it matches the stripe. 

I did work on the bag yesterday. The piping and top piece is attached and pressed. I also marked the top piece to cross hatch. 


I knit 20 rounds on the leg of the sock last night. I surprised myself by knitting that many rounds. No pictures taken. 


    I realized last night that I had another flareup in my hip area. Nothing was helping reduce the pain. I was hobbling around feeling very annoyed. I had several good cracks in bed last night and am over it today. What caused it? Who knows but I am thinking my SI joint was not seated correctly and wouldn't reseat itself no matter what I did. That in turn inflamed everything in my hip. I feel much better this morning. 

    I have reevaluated my hedge weeding plan. Instead of hand weeding every single inch of the hedge, I am going to use the Dutch hoe on the weeds, clean up the mess and then do the remaining weeding on my hands and knees. I should be able to get it done quicker. Once the hedge is done, I will have to go out and weed it with the Dutch hoe on a regular basis. 

    I did a bit of research last night as we saw a river named Mush-a-Mush. I wondered if it was Micmac and it was. The area around Mahone Bay was called Mush-a-Mush. Another bit of information that satisfied my curiosity. 


I have the balance sheet to do, laundry to fold and put away, and groceries to buy. I am going to work on the bag with hopes of getting a lot done on it this afternoon. I want to knit tonight. In the midst of all this, I need to water all the plants. 

Until the next time......................................................

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