Thursday, June 06, 2024

I Can Do More Than I Thought

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 23.7C. This morning it is a mix of sun and clouds and 12C. Today we are to have a mix of sun, clouds, and showers and a high of 25C. 


After doing a few chores in the kitchen, I was out to get plants. I needed petunias. I decided to try the grocery store which has a nice garden center. I found purple and white petunias, another plant that has small purple flowers on it, and 2 jalapeño pepper plants that have the large size peppers on them. I came home with them and put them into the cool garage for the day. 

My next job was to start working on the hedge. I got everything I needed and got down to work. I pulled weeds and the area I did filled a 5 gallon pail. I also pulled up the weed cloth as it was a mess. Once done, I cleaned up, grabbed the weed eater and did the ditch from the driveway up to where I had weeded. The mowers mow most of the ditch but don't weed whack the road side of the ditch. It was easy to do as my machine is battery operated and light. After lunch, I did some weed control along the front of the property. I wait and see if that works or if I have to buy more weed killer. 

Just before dinner, I planted the flowers and the 2 pepper plants. I also watered everything well. It was perfect timing as the vegetables had no sun on them 2 hours later and it rained during the night (about 1/4"). Everything looks good this morning. 

I was tired when I got finished working and found out I was having a glucose low. I had a headache, felt stupid, and was dragging my feet as I drug the garage down to the curb. A drink of apple juice and a piece of toast was in order. Then dinner. 


I worked on the bag again yesterday. I got it to the point where I started to question myself and had a melt down (glucose low). Something didn't seem right even though it was. I had to leave the sewing room. 

The small top section needs cross hatching as does the other side. Then I can cut off the extra pieces on the sides and start adding interfacing. I am getting to the point where it will be easier thinking and sewing though I have seams to match up. 


I knit on the socks last night and have the first 9 rows of the toe decreasing done. I will have more than enough yarn for the pair of socks. 

The goal is to finish them tonight and start the second sock. 


    I was amazed at how much I was able to do under the hedge and the ditch yesterday. It wasn't hard work and I found it sort of relaxing to do. It isn't a favourite job as the shrubs have prickles but I am trying to be extra careful. The soil is quite dry and I had to work getting some of the weeds out. The weed cloth was the most fun. I could get long pieces of it up at once. I can also use the weed eater as long as I don't do the whole ditch at one time. 

    The garden is really growing but I need to replant the carrots. I don't see any coming up. I will do that this morning. We love the carrots fresh from the garden even though these may be a bit late. I also will have to push bean and pea seeds back into the soil. As they swell up, they pop out of the ground. Though I didn't plant nearly as much as last year, we should have a lots of fresh vegetables this summer. 

    I amaze myself at how much I can do on my own. I have to pace myself so I don't get overly tired or too sore. With most of my hip issues behind me, I am getting up and down easier and am able to handle the ditch side of the hedge with very few problems. The only thing I have to watch is the glucose lows. 


 I am going to clean the bathroom this morning and then head out to plant carrot seeds. I hope to weed the hedge behind the shed as it will be shaded. I want to do some sewing this afternoon before I pick up grandson from school (he's writing exams) and knit tonight. I do have to check the garden to see if it needs watering. 

Until the next time............................................................

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