Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Busy and Productive Day

 Yesterday was sunny with a nice breeze. The high got to 24.8C. This morning it is cloudy and 15C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 28C (humidex 33C).


It was out the door early yesterday morning to work on the hedge. Grandson arrived and while he used the Dutch hoe, I did the hand weeding. When he finished hoeing, he took the remaining edging out and removed the spikes from them. 

Once done, we cleaned up everything. We even got the bag of weeds upright into the compost bin. We looked at the road side of the hedge and grandson tried the Dutch hoe on the weed cloth. Today we will try the hand cultivator to see if it works better. We were done at 10:30 am -- 2 hours after we had started. 

I have to say I was sore from the work we did. I hurt the rest of the day and it was mainly muscles screaming from being used constantly for 2 days in a row. They have to get use to it as I will be out there for 2 more days. I did have a short nap on the bed. Elliott came in and woke me up and I finally got up. I felt somewhat better but still sore. 

I watered all the flowers and vegetables before dinner. Everything is growing quickly now and I am pleased with how everything looks. Grandson had a look and is excited for fresh vegetables this summer. 


I fixed the zipper cover on the pillow. Not perfect on one end but the flap now lies flat over the zipper. I need to perfect this and am researching ideas. 

Once that was done, I swept the sewing room floor. The amount of thread on it was unreal and I wonder how I miss the trash can so often. I don't put threads on the floor intentionally but I get more on the floor than I like. 

I decided to trim the binding for the dog quilt. I took off 1/8" to get it to the width I wanted. I gave it a good press and sewed it on to the quilt. I am ready to hand stitch the binding down. 

I can hand stitch in the afternoons while we have the heat wave. At this point, I called it a day and decided heat therapy was in order for the sore muscles. 


Grandson's socks are finished. 

They are now bundled ready to be put into the Christmas gift area. I will have to make a little embroidered gift bag for them to go into.

I picked up the light coloured socks, read the pattern and finished the leg and started on the heel flap. 

These are for daughter for Christmas. I love the colours on white in this yarn. The fun part is the lacy pattern on the foot and down the foot to the toes. 


    It is nice to have grandson help me with the hedge. He thinks creatively on how to do the hard parts and gets me thinking also. It is also nice to have help lift the heavy items. I can do it but am twice as long as he is. Our goal is to get the weed cloth up and I will hand weed around the shrubs. I can trim out the dead growth later on. The weeding is the main focus right now. 

    Though my muscles hurt after working on the hedge, there is less pain the next morning. The piriformis muscle is the one that hurts the most and seems to spasm when I over do it. I did my exercises on the bed yesterday and will continue to do that. Starting Thursday, I will not be doing yard work for a few days and will do light housework alternating with resting to allow the muscles to recover. If the hedge is not done, I will work on it for shorter periods of time next week. I will be on my own. I know I can do it slowly but surely. 


It is back out to work on the hedge for 2 hours. After I shower, I have to go to New Minas for a few items plus take the bag in to the quilt shop. If I have time, I would like to start hand sewing the binding down. I hope to knit on the socks tonight. 

Until the next time............................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Hello, Anne. I deal with threads in the sewing room by having a very damp paper towel folded to fit in a plastic coffee can lid. This sits just to the right of my sewing machine and "captures" the thread ends off my fingers, neatly keeping them all in place until I'm done for the day. Then I gather them up and put them in the trash, let the paper towel dry out, and re-wet it for my next sewing session. No more thread ends all over the floor, the furniture, and on me.
