Monday, June 03, 2024

Sew The Bag, Unsew The Bag

 Yesterday was cool but sunny until late afternoon when it got dark and wet. The high got to 16.7C. This morning it is foggy and 10C. Today is to be sunny with clouds and 15C. 


I spent the morning working in my bedroom. While the sheets were in the laundry, I took the room apart. The mattress was turned, everything was dusted, and the floors swept and washed. While I was cleaning, I focused on getting my grandmother's treadle sewing machine and the electric baseboard heater behind it cleaned. Once the room was cleaned, I made the bed and stood back to enjoy how clean and fresh the room looked. 

I have been cleaning my grandmother's treadle sewing machine a bit over the years I've had it (about 30 years). I did a really good job this time and found old dirt that had been hiding (along with some new dirt). I sprayed, wiped, and dried all the areas. It looks much better now that I have cleaned it. Now to find furniture polish and give the wood the cleaning it deserves. 

During one of my small rest periods, I folded laundry which still needs to be put away. I suffered yesterday with pain as my SI joint is not seated correctly. The joint area is sore but the muscles aren't. It still is not seated properly again this morning. 

I have wondered why I have been tired lately. I did my glucose readings yesterday and found out why. The readings were 4.3, 5.1, 4.2. All on the low side. I ate toast last evening to help but who knows until I do it all over again today. 


I had a couple of hours in the sewing room yesterday. I worked on the bag and got the side panels cut out. They are too long so I can move them up and down so the print isn't lined up across the bag. Panel #1 was interfaced and cross hatched.

When done, I sewed it onto the center panel.

I really like it but I have to take it apart and redo some of the cross hatching. I have a mistake that I just noticed. It isn't a lot of rows to pull out but enough to set me back. Seems like I will be busy with the seam ripper today. 

The second panel has the interfacing fused onto it and will be cross hatched when the first panel is fixed. I certainly will be careful when drawing the lines onto panel #2 to make sure they are the right distance apart. 


I knit a lot on the socks before and after dinner. I am getting close to having the gusset finished. 

Once the gusset is complete, I will weigh the ball of yarn so I know about how far I can knit the foot before switching to the other ball of yarn. 


    I am hoping that we get a bit more rain but not like last year. On this day in 2023, we had almost 1.5" of rain fall with almost 3" falling two days later. It was cooler this time last year but it had been hot prior to the rain coming in. The weather can be like this at the end of May and early June though last year was one of the wettest in history. 

    June is back to using what I have and buying very little. The only purchases are the sashing fabric for the quilt and 2 skeins of yarn. I need to use what I have in the stash after having bought fabric and yarn in May. My goal is to have a tiny fabric and yarn stash. I have done well but still have a long way to go. I need to focus on using what I have in the stash. 

    I need to clean up the paper craft area and start working a bit on the projects I have planned. I know cleaning it up will have me want to create items. I hate messy work spaces. I may have to take a day to clean it and the sewing room when the bag is done. 


I have to clean up the spare room and do some grocery shopping. If it dries out some, I will plant seeds if not tomorrow. I want to sew and knit this afternoon and evening. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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