Saturday, June 08, 2024

Back Deck Set Up is Finished

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy with a high of 21.5C. This morning it is cloudy, wet, and 15C. Today is to be cloudy with a high of 16C. 


I was tired before I got started yesterday. I pushed myself until noon. I washed the table on the deck and got the little bbq out. It is set up ready to use. 

Next I was out the door to have 2 new tires put on the car. It was suppose to be a 30 - 45 minute job and I waited and waited and waited. After 90 minutes I asked and it was ready but no one had been told. I paid my bill and hurried home. I had things to do.

I hauled items out of the shed onto the deck. The miniatures were put on the table with the Gerber daisy. 

These are my favourite pieces. I have some to take over to my neighbour so she can have a miniature garden also. 

Next up was to put the fountain/pond together. A bit of trial and error as I wanted to do it differently this year. I put it up on the 2nd table. I filled the tub with water including the plastic bowl under the plate. I added the pump, crystals, and river rock and hooked up the solar panel. It worked. 

I checked it later on and there was water on the deck. I turned it off thinking the white tub had a leak. It didn't. I turned it on and realized the water coming out of the nozzle was so big it was going over the width of the tub. After making the necessary adjustment, I had it under control. The solar panel is on the rug of the deck this year. I will keep moving it around as the sun moves. It isn't a big deal as I am the only one who is out on the deck. 

I took out two solar lights for the flower tubs. If they don't come on in the next few days they will be disposed of. They are old. 

My last job of the morning was to replant the carrot seeds. Some of the seeds had sprouted so I worked around them. Once done, I watered all the veggie boxes and flower pots. 

The afternoon went by with me resting and doing a few odd things inside. I did not sew as I was afraid of making a mistake. My body screamed at me to rest and heal. I was also lacking sleep from the night before. 

I knit on the sock while waiting for the tires to be put on the car. I got the ribbing rounds completed and can start on the leg next. 


    I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped last night but I do feel better. It was quiet outside which was good. I have to focus on relaxing and sleeping longer. This means no naps in the afternoon and to keep busy during the day. This is a hiccup which can be fixed. 

    It was more humid yesterday and I could feel it when outside. I have to remember to move slowly and drink lots of fluids. You could feel the humidity disappear when it started to cool off as a shower went through. The air became fresh and cool. 

    Other than the hedge needing to be weeded and weed control, the yard work is done other than maintenance. I will continue to work on the hedge when I can. I will go back and use the Dutch hoe on the parts that are done to keep the weeds under control. This project will take me a while as I have a lot  to do. I also need to take rest days as I can't work every day on it. 


I am going to do a bit of housework this morning and try to draft a pair of palazzo pants for the doll. I have to be ready to leave at 2 pm to watch grandson play soccer in Bridgwater. I won't be home until the evening and will probably not knit tonight. I will relax in hopes of sleeping better tonight. 

Until the next time................................................

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