Sunday, June 30, 2024

I Need A Reality Check

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 23.2C. This morning it is raining and 14C. We are to have periods of rain, a possible thundershower, and a high of 21C. 


My first job was to go and empty the dehumidifier tank. It was full but the humidity was lower at 65%. When I emptied it in the afternoon, the tank was 2/3 full vs almost full the day before and the humidity was 40%. We are making gains at keeping the house drier. 

Once home, I swept the dining and living room floors and mopped them. They were dusty as I have had the windows open most of the time due to the cooler weather. I then tackled the entry way. The landings were swept and mopped as were the stairs. I then washed the side window at the door and decided to do the top window. Up the ladder I went and got it done. Then it was outside to repeat the process. The last thing I did was sweep down the siding of cobwebs, and then do the deck and sidewalk. I will sweep the deck and wash it later next week. The composite decking is so easy to wash. 

I was tired yesterday. I had 3 nights were I didn't sleep well due to my IBS bothering me. I figure it was the coleslaw I had eaten along with some spicy foods. I was cranky and irritable all day. I didn't have any issues yesterday and slept fairly well last night. Hopefully I will feel better today. 


I sewed for a couple of hours and got the hat finished to the trim. 

I need flowers and ribbons. Lace could be added if I have enough for it. 

It fits the doll well which is nice. But the question is - will I have it flip up at the front or to one side. I will be pinning the brim up and playing. 

Next up was the shoes. I glued the fabric to the insoles and left them to dry. I then slowly sewed the uppers together. I clipped, flipped, pressed and finally sewed the back seam together. The final step was to sew the lower part together and trim the lining back to the stitching line. 

They are ready to glue the uppers to the insoles. The soles will be attached on Monday. 

I looked around the sewing room and decided that I need to continue purging the room. What do I really need, what will I realistically sew up in the next few years, and what is my end goal? I seem to get side tracked from making the projects I want to make. I do enjoy those side tracked projects. But when I look at the spread sheet for the sewing down the stash, I am buying as much as I am sewing. I have sewn a lot of what I have bought but I am not meet ing my goal of sewing down the stash. A bit of a reality check for me. 


The craft area is a mess and it really needs my attention for a couple of days. It is another area that is going to be purged. What do I want to do with paper crafting? How much stock do I need? What can I let go of? It is a good thing that I am ready to start cleaning that area. 

In reality, I have not looked at the craft projects much this spring/early summer. The mess has killed my creativity. I am ready to rethink what I want to make. Do I want to do a craft bazaar? I don't know. I don't think it will happen this year as I don't have enough stock. Maybe next year. What I do know is that I like to make gifts for family vs making stock to sell. 


I did knit last night and got the gusset completed. 

It should be finished in about 4 days. Another Christmas present is almost completed. 


    Yesterday was a bad day for me. I had negative thoughts and it made me cranky and miserable. Part is from not sleeping well and part is from a couple of other things I am working through. I felt overwhelmed by the time I left the basement. 

    The feeling of being overwhelmed had me thinking of selling this place and moving into a senior's residence. I was at the point of throwing everything out onto the road. I was being hard on myself thinking I can't take care of this house and property anymore. The negative thoughts brought forth more negative thoughts. I knew I was spiralling into a deep hole. I went for a drive and cleared my brain. 

    Taking that drive did help. I have done a lot this year and have shown I can take care of this property and house. I need to continue to stream line how I live in the house. What do I need? What can I let go of? How will this house look at the end of 2024? What do I need? What can I let go of? I have a lot of questions floating in my head at this time. The first thing is to purge the basement and have it feel calm again. Then I can move forward to how I want the house to look and feel.  


I have to do the balance sheet, go to family's house to check on the cat and the dehumidifier and then take stock of the craft inventory. I will sew on the doll's outfit and knit tonight. A day at home getting my thoughts and plans together. 

Until the next time......................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver2:36 PM

    Love the hat, and vote for simple rows of stitching on the brim, rather than lace, flowers, etc.

    When you wrote of mopping, it reminded me of reading a maintenance log in an airport ladies room, where workers would record what they had done. Over and over I read that someone had "moped." The mis-spelling amused me even as I pictured some poor, tired woman unhappily mopping.
