Friday, June 07, 2024

Another Busy Day

 Yesterday was another lovely day with lots of sunshine and a high of 24.3C. This morning it is cloudy and 14C. Today we are to have a mix of clouds, sun, and a high of 22C. 


I got the bathroom cleaned and one load of laundry on first thing in the morning. The bathroom was wiped down, floors swept and mopped. The laundry was put into the dryer and the second load put into the washer. It was put into the dryer at noon.

I headed outside to weed in a shady spot. There was about the same amount of shade along the hedge so I continued to work from the front. I decided I could do 4 shrubs and got to work. A bucket of weeds came off each side of the hedge. More weed cloth got ripped up. I got the hand pruners out and pruned dead branches from 2 of the shrubs. It was a lot of work but I got the job done. 

You can see dirt in the above picture. The next picture shows where I start next time -- it is weedy. 

And this is how much hedge I have left to weed. 

It is a lot but I know I can do it slowly but surely. When done, I got out the weed eater and whacked grass in the ditch for about 10 minutes. I am not done the ditch but I am making progress. I did go back and trim up what I had done the day before. 

I was tired and dehydrated when I got done but felt proud of my accomplishments. My hip is letting me do more this summer than last summer and I am in fairly good shape. I don't rush and set a goal each time I go out. 

I had to go out and pick up grandson at 4:30 pm. He had written 2 exams yesterday and he and his friends sat and talked about them after they wrote them. We did chat about them on the way home. He is worried about his marks as is all his friends. The exams are IB format making them harder than regular exams. 


I got the top band of the bag cross hatched and the sides cut off so the bag is now 20" square. One side is ready for interfacing.

I have the piping pinned onto the top of the other side ready to hand baste in place. The small top piece is ready to attached after that. Then it will be to cross hatch it. The hardest part is almost done.

I did play with the strap placement and I want to have the piping on the straps match up with the vertical piping on the bag. I think that will give a nice line when the bag is standing up. 


The first sock is done. I did have to look up how to do the kitchner stitch. I had it right in my mind but was second guessing myself. 

I got the second sock cast on, joined, and 6 rounds of ribbing completed. A great start on the sock. 

These are going to be lovely soft socks which I will give him for Christmas. 


    Though it has been a bit warmer than the average temperatures, it hasn't been as humid as it can get. That has allowed me to work outside until noon without feeling too hot. I do monitor myself all the time as I don't want to get sick from the sun. At the rate I am going, I will be working on the hedge for the next 3 weeks. Once it is weeded, I can do the weeding with the Dutch hoe on a regular basis. 

    I am slowly getting a plan in place on how to maintain the yard this summer. Once the hedge is done, I can monitor the weeds, weed whack the ditch, and look after the vegetables and flowers at a slower pace. Right now it is trying to get everything done so I can enjoy myself in the yard. 

    I have been trying to figure out how to get more beef into my diet. I eat it occasionally but should have it more often than I do. I am thinking about making hamburgers on my little BBQ this summer. I know I will enjoy them more than bought ones. I may buy sirloin steak to have also. I find having meals like spaghetti is too hot for the summer. 

    I am tired today as the neighbours decided to remove boxes from their shed at 9 pm last night. They were quite noisy. It took me quite a while to settle down. Then Elliott decided to be a pain at 2:30 am when he couldn't settle down to sleep. He pawed at me keeping me awake. I will push through today knowing I will sleep well tonight.


I have to get 2 new tires put on the car first thing this morning. Once home, I want to plant the carrot again, water the garden, and do some weed killing. Then I hope to set up the little BBQ and the pond. This afternoon, I hope to sew on the bag. Tonight I will knit on the socks. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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