Saturday, June 29, 2024

Prepping For A Sewing Weekend

 Yesterday was cool and breezy with a high of 20.5C. This morning it is partly cloudy and 10C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 23C. 


I was over to check on family's cat and to empty the dehumidifier. The dehumidifier tank was full and the humidity was 80%. I was concerned so I was back over before dinner to check. The tank was almost full and the humidity was 40%. I will be checking it twice a day from now on. 

The cat was excited to see me as he loves treats. He waits for me to give them to him. He doesn't seem to mind being alone all day. 

I was to New Minas to get cat food. Then it was to get some cleaning supplies as I am short on scrubbers. I did wander the store looking as I had a bit of time to kill before going to the quilt shop. It was fun to wander around and see what is available in the kitchen part of the store. The stores were busy as was the highway. People are getting ready for the long weekend or traveling to their destinations. 

The lawns got mowed yesterday. They have recovered from the heat and were getting long. The rain that is suppose to come tomorrow will be welcomed as everything needs about another inch of rain. I did look at the garden and the bok choy may have bolted. I picked the blooms off and will give it a week before making a decision if I have to pull it. 


I bought fabric as I am doing a tutorial on quilt as you go (QAYG). I picked out a fabric I have wanted to play with and a matching solid. 

I am doing 10" squares in the print with the solid as sashing and backing. I will need more solid and a print for the binding. This will go downstairs into either my sewing room or the family room. I will be learning as I do the tutorial. 

I did look at the strawberry print fabrics for the historical outfit I will be making in July. I am thinking about the top in a print and the skirt in a mixer. 

The green comes in a red also so I may use it though I love the green. I will make my decision once the pattern comes out. 

I spent the afternoon prepping fabrics so I can sew up a storm. I cut out the rest of Orange Blossom's outfit. Hat, dress, and shoes. 

Next up was to cut out piping for daughter from the remaining fat quarter. It is ready to make.

And then I cut out and made block 6 of the Ultimate Beginner's Quilt. I took my time so the directional prints were not upside down. It was up and down to look at the instructions. 

I just have 3 blocks left to go and then I will need to buy the sashing for it. This quilt will be going to the long arm quilter as it is bigger than I want to deal with on my machine. 

I keep telling myself that this is a scrappy type quilt as I am using up fabrics from a fat eighth, fabrics I found in a tub and 2 prints I bought. It is also a quilt that I am working on precision and accuracy. It will go into the family room to remind me that I can step outside my comfort zone when using prints. 

The next block is flying geese. It requires 4 fabrics which will be interesting. You make them so you reverse the colours on two blocks. I am looking forward to that. There is a lot of accurate sewing on this block.


I knit about half of the gusset last night. Fifteen rows done, 16 left to do. 

I am hoping to have it done by early next week. I am looking forward to seeing the pair done so I can work on other items before I start the next pair of socks. These socks have been a delight to knit.


I have to go over twice to empty the dehumidifier and visit the cat. I am hoping to mop the living and dining area and clean the front entry. I want to work on the hat this afternoon and knit on the socks tonight. A day at home which is usual for me on a long weekend. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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