Saturday, May 11, 2024

I Unknit The Socks

 Yesterday was cloudy with a high of 9.3C. This morning it is cloudy with some light fog and 3C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with a high of 12C. 


I did yoga yesterday. I was sore when I started each exercise and as I did more, the soreness decreased. I have pain but it is different this time. I am wondering if my sciatic nerve isn't tight or sore. 

I got the living room area dusted, swept, and mopped. It is nice to have that area done and clean. I also swept some of the other floors just to keep them clean and free from cat hair. I am down to cleaning my bedroom and the front entry. It takes me time to get the whole house clean but I am getting it done. It also gives me something to do each day. 

I was out to renew my prescriptions and the wind was cold. It was coming out of the NE all day. I stood outside on the front step in the afternoon and was shivering with the wind. It was while I was out there that I noticed the plant by the step has a lot of new growth on it. It will be getting a hair cut this summer as it will cover the sidewalk and step. 


I worked on the doll's dress yesterday. My plan was to stand and sit to see if it would help my soreness. I started out doing the snaps again. Much better at the top. I added beads and a crystal drop to the placket. 

I strung 23 crystals on silk thread, then stitched it down and did 23 more and tied it off. I added a crystal to the center and then the droplet. Though very plain, I like it. 

The top of the kirtle top was tackled next. I pressed crystals on to the front at even intervals and then made flowers from 6 pearls and 1 crystal that I strung on silk thread. 

Next up I ironed 4 crystals on each shoulder piece and then put a clear crystal between each stone. 

I put on the outer dress and moved one snap for the last time. I am pleased with what I accomplished in the afternoon. 

I still have the crystals to iron onto the skirt but that is an easy job. I also need to fray check the ends of the ribbons used to lace up the kirtle and outer bodice. The end is so near. 

I also pinned the next bodice front and back to some left over batik from the doll's stash. It is ready for me to play with when the doll's dress is done. 

Using up some purple fabric will allow me to use up the purple thread I bought for the dress. 


While looking at the socks in the morning I found a ridge in the heel that would bother me. I unknit the sock back to the mistake and am starting the gusset all over again. I would not wear the socks if I had left them the way they were. I did knit 1 row. 

It was a silly mistake of doing 2 rounds on the heel stitches the same (slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch). A couple of good nights of knitting will have me back on track. At least I caught it before I had knit the foot and had to unknit more than 21 rounds. 


    There was a gorgeous display of northern lights across North America last night. Alas, we didn't see it as it was too cloudy. The pictures taken by friends in BC are gorgeous. 

    The pain I have been having in my right side has been going down to my ankle on occasion. I don't see a therapist for 2 weeks so am trying to do things to help ease the pain without hitting the Tylenol bottle. I will continue to work on it and see if my crazy antics will help. 


I need to do yoga, fold some laundry, and be ready to go out for lunch at 11 am. Once home, I hope to finish the dress so I can start on other projects. I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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