Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Busy Day

 Yesterday was cloudy with a high of 26.9C. This morning it is a mix of sun and clouds and 12C. Today we are to have it sunny with a high of 28C with a humidex of 30C. 


I was off to physio early yesterday morning. I am improving to the point of getting everything tweaked and relaxed. My SI was tight so we worked on that. I am getting more motion of range which is good. I will probably always walk with a limp but I am so much better than I was. My SI joint did crack into place early this morning which was great. 

Once home, I headed out to New Minas and was home by lunch time. I rested in the afternoon, visited with my friend, and let my relax from the physio session I had. 

I was out in the evening to watch the final inspection of grandson's school's cadet core. It is about a 2 hour ceremony where they parade, and each of the 15 platoons and 3 bands are inspected by an outside person. Then there are speeches, awards, and, this year, a picture taken by the drone. Grandson is a Warrant Officer and wears a uniform like this.

As he is in the band, he does not join this group for the ceremonies. The rest of the students wear red jackets. All wear Black Watch kilts. In total there are about 350 cadets in this core. 

There is 1 nurse and several first aid people monitoring the students making sure those who are experiencing heat exhaustion are taken off the field to rest and hydrate. 


I was back to the quilt shop to get the fabric for the bag I will make and enter into the contest. I got 3 pieces of fabric, 2 which are of the fabric line to be used in the piece. I am glad that I went as a lot of the fabric had been purchased the previous day. 

The white fabric is actually grey with tiny dots on it. 

I will embroider a moose on it for each side of the bag. 

It will also be used for the corners of the snowball block and the lining of the bag. 

I was over to my friends to get two scraps of brown fabric for the antlers and face of the moose. I will use the red fabric for the scarf. I am ready to begin. My friend and I had a good laugh as I have very little brown fabric in my stash. When I buy brown fabric, I get enough for the project and give the scraps to my friend who loves brown for her wall hangings. 

I did add the lining to the other side of the doll's dress. It looks the same as the first side and is all basted into place ready for a good pressing. 


None done as I was out to the final inspection at the school. 


    I am sore to day from sitting in a fold up chair. All types of those chairs make my muscles sore. The up side is I didn't have to stand for 2 hours. I will take Tylenol today knowing the muscles will relax and not hurt by this evening. 

    Today is suppose to be the warmest day. It is suppose to cool off some next week. It will be time for me to work on the hedge during the morning while it is cool. I want to get it done along with spraying weeds in the next two weeks. 

    The contest the quilt shop is having should be fun. The spin on the contest is the print is larger than expected and is directional. I chose a bag as I have more control over the print. I will probably use it as a gift bag this Christmas. I am not going to win a prize. I am doing this to support the store. 


I am out for osteopathy mid morning so I would like to water the garden before I go. I have to get spray starch in Sackville, have some lunch and head home. I will probably rest as the osteopathy session will hit me this afternoon. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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