Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Grape Tomato Plants Bought

 Though yesterday started out cloudy, it turned out to be sunny with a high of 21.6C. This morning it is a bit cloudy and 9C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 24C. 


I started out the morning getting ready to grocery shop. By the time I got out of the house, I had cleaned the spare bedroom (litter box area), swept the hall and cleaned the front hall. What started out as a small chore (clean up litter) turned into a house cleaning project. 

I did go and get groceries. The grocery store wasn't busy as I had thought. Though it was the Victoria Day weekend, most businesses were open. This isn't a big holiday in Nova Scotia. After getting groceries, I decided to look at the garden center. I was interested in what they had in stock. In the very back of center was the 50% off section. I found grape tomato plants that had a bit of frost damage. They were healthy and growing like crazy. I bought 3 of them. I planted them after I got the groceries put away. 

The sun came out and they needed to be in the shade so I put a towel on the top and down the front of the cages. 

In the late afternoon, the wind came up and they were in the sun once again. So I grabbed a blanket and made half a hut for them. And before bedtime, I grabbed the other blanket and made a full hut for them to be safe over night. (Okay, I'm crazy but we can still get frost). 

I will remove one blanket today so the plants can be protected from the sun and wind. This will be repeated until they are strong and can handle the heat and wind. 


I spent time in the sewing room working on the doll's dress. I got the sleeves in and the lace collar hand basted on. 

The left collar needs to be replaced as it should dip down like the right side does. From a picture of Mary wearing the dress, the lace dips down the front even further than what I will be doing. 

The sleeves on Mary's dress has a band so I am going to turn up the sleeves on my doll's dress. 

The lining has been cut out and once the collar has been fixed, it is ready for me to sew up and put in. 

The dress looks funny at the moment but I am sure it will look okay once the side seams are sewn. 

The little seed beads on the front are annoying me so I am going to look for small black buttons to sew down the front. 

I watched this video on making a quick quilt. I had thought about buying 12 fat quarters but will be using these 4 fabrics and making 2 of each block. I can get more of the plain fabric which is not shown with the possibility of getting one or more of the print. I will check when I got to the shop.  


I finished the socks last night. 

I love them and there may be enough yarn left over to make a short sleeved sweater for one of the Gotz dolls. I have the black yarn left but will keep it on hand just in case I need it for another project. 

I have to wind yarn to start another pair of socks and get started on them. I want them almost done when I go back to get more yarn in late June. I am on a mission to knit socks for Christmas presents. Three pairs to make. 


    Though I wasn't going to buy tomatoes yet, the fact that they were on sale and healthy made me get them. I will baby them along so they survive. I have an idea of how to keep them warm if we have a frost warning. This week I am more worried about the heat and wind than I am of frost.

    I was thinking how quiet it was for a long weekend. With most people working, there was very little traffic on the highway. I remember how crazy it was in BC as people left Friday to go to camping and then home on Monday. Most businesses were closed and those that were open had very few customers that day. In our little area, most people who were home worked in their yards. 

    My plans for yard work are on hold at the moment. It is going to be too warm to work outside until the weekend. Once we cool down, I will start working on the hedge. No need to have heat stroke if I can avoid it. 


I am going to water plants due to the warmth, get out 2 chairs and the rug, and call outside work done. I want to do some housework and then sew this afternoon. I will wind the yarn and knit tonight. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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