Saturday, May 18, 2024

Vaccinated Again

 Yesterday was another warm sunny day with a high of 23.5C. We broke the record for the warmest day. This morning it is cloudy and 11C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with some sunshine and 18C.


I was out for my Covid vaccine yesterday morning. Several of us sat and visited while we waited for our 15 minutes to pass after getting the vaccine. I was out the door and home as soon as my time was us. 

At home I took a few more items to the shed and watered the garlic and the box for the leeks. I also hosed down part of the shed as it is dirty. 

I rested a bit and then daughter-in-law and I priced everything for the garage sale. We had a couple of good laughs while pricing as we couldn't figure out what to put on a few items. We were done in about 90 minutes. 

I did a lot of resting in the afternoon. I didn't nap as I knew I wouldn't sleep last night. I did get up to pay the person who mows the lawns. We talked for a few minutes and then he and his crew finished up and left. The lawn looks so healthy again this year. Mowing it gives the yard a really neat appearance. 

I did no sewing or knitting yesterday. I was a recipe for disaster. It was one boring day for me as I rested. My arm did not hurt from the vaccine until I woke up this morning. I will be taking Tylenol today to help keep it under control. 


I need to be ready for the garage sale which starts at 8 am. It ends at 1 pm and then we will close the garage door, go for lunch, and I will try to do something this afternoon. I would like to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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