Friday, May 24, 2024

Knit and Unknit

Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of 26.6C (humidex 31C). This morning it was foggy and 14C. It is now clear and sunny. Today we are to have clouds, sunshine, and maybe a shower or two with a high of 27C (humidex 29C). 


I was out in good time to water the vegetables and they are doing well. Tomorrow I will remove the blankets that are shading the tomatoes as it is going to cool off. 

I was out to osteopathy and had a great session. The therapist did a lot of work on my left hip area moving things around. She is pleased with how well I am doing and hopes that I will walk with a proper gait. 

After the session I did a bit of shopping and came home. It was time to put heat on my hip and let it rest while things settled down. There was really no pain just tiredness in the targeted area. 

We had a thunderstorm last night. Several cracks of lightening and thunder. It also rained some. As a result, I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped to. I wasn't surprised about the storm as it has been the right mix of weather to have a thunder and lightning. 


I did not sew yesterday. I did watch episode 1 of the Great British Sewing Bee. It was interesting as the challenges were updated challenges from season 1 which aired 10 years ago. Not one person finished the pattern challenge, the second challenge I didn't really watch but what was well done wasn't as creative as the judges wanted, and the made to measure was all over the board. Those who chose a high quality fabric (cotton) did the best but some were not well fitted or had issues.

What I did notice is that the sewing machines may not have been powerful enough for the first challenge -- a denim skirt as they had to make buttonholes. The second thing I noticed was comments made about using the top stitching thread. I wondered if the contestants put in a denim needle and did some samples to see how the machine would stitch, top stitch, and do button holes. 

I am now watching another video that is talking about the episode. A comment was made that people are there to brand themselves. Many of the previous contestants have branded themselves on the show and are doing well. I am interested in learning more as time goes on. 


I knit on the sock last night and got the leg done. 

I looked at the pattern and found a mistake at pattern #10. I unknit back to the mistake and knit pattern #10 again. I will finish up the leg tonight. 


I am hoping that I can do a few things outside after I do a bit of housework and laundry. I would like to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I have to pick up grandson and take him home which I always enjoy. 

Until the next time...............................................

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