Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Shoe Cobbling For the Renaissance Dress Outfit

 Yesterday was quite sunny with some clouds. The high got to 17.8C. This morning it is clear and 3C. We may have had a touch of frost. Today is suppose to be mainly sunny and 20C. 


I did yoga again yesterday and there was a bit of popping in the area of the SI joint. I wish that joint would seat so everything can get back to normal. Later on I rolled my hip and my knee was clicking/cracking. It seemed to be trying to get back into the right position. The pain is there but not really bothering me. Mostly annoying me. 

I got the bedroom cleaned but didn't mop the floor. I was being nice as Elliott was asleep under the blanket on the bed. The first day in quite a while that he went for his long sleep early in the morning. Usually it has been near lunch time and he has been cranky and whiney. The room felt much better once the dust was removed. 

I went grocery shopping and got my prescriptions and a few things I needed. I took my time and browsed. Once home with everything was put away, I swept the garage once again. Next job is to price the items. Not looking forward to that. 

Elliott and I wandered out onto the deck a couple of the times yesterday to enjoy the sunshine and warmth (wind was cool). Last night I ran out to take pictures of the solar lights daughter gave me for Christmas. They are so cool looking. 

I had to cover the solar panel to get them to light up. I did take a picture later on when it was dark. 

I will be putting them into the ground along with a couple of other ones when I weed the area around the shed. I am in love with them.

I also took a picture of the area between the bottom of the stairs and the house where our friend put some of the bricks from under the deck. It is so nice to have that area looking great. 

I can keep it free of weeds so much easier now that it is done. 


I did get to sew yesterday afternoon. I cut out both the next bodice and shoes. I worked on the bodice first. 

The darts are marked in the picture. I sewed them up and tried the muslin on Kit. Perfect fit. 

I like the fit of the darts at the neckline. I remember my mom having a dress with these darts and how much I loved that dress. I may have to fit these into a dress for one of the dolls. 

I worked on the shoes next. I got the uppers done and ready to be attached to the insole.

Fabric was glued to the insoles and left to dry. 

I have a bit of trimming to do on the insole fabric, clip the uppers to the stitching and the shoes can be cobbled. I am not sure how I will decorate them or if I will leave them plain. Still deciding on this though most seem to be plain and closed with either ribbons or buckles. 

The Lady Lily pattern is cut out and taped together waiting for its turn to be sewn. I have to starch fabric for the quilt so may start on this dress while the fabric dries. 


I got 15 rounds done on the gusset of sock #2. It is coming along quickly. No pictures as it looks like the other sock without a mistake in it. 


    I am trying to eat less processed foods. I have found that I want more sugar so am breaking that habit once again. I am focusing on eating fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables vs canned. I am adding a bit more beef into my diet for iron and variety. With all of this in mind, I hope to get back on track once again and loose the bit of weight I gained. 

    I also want to do more outside. The yard work is calling me and I need to spend at least 30-60 minutes a day on it. First job is to clean up around the shed, get the flower pots put into their spots, and get the solar lights put in. I am looking forward to having that area cleaned up and move on to the next area. It will be slow but sure as I have to add weeding the hedge into my daily outside work. 


I have to prep some food for the next couple of night's dinners, take out recycling to the garage, and make sure the kitchen is clean. Then I hope to get outside and start cleaning up around the shed and do a bit of hedge weeding. This afternoon, I want to finish the shoes and starch the fabric for the quilt I started a while ago. Tonight daughter-in-law is bringing their yard sale items over and I hope to knit a bit on the socks. A day at home for me. 

Until the next time.............................................................................

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