Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Renaissance Outfit is Done

 Yesterday had clouds, sunshine, and a bit of rain. The high got to 10.7C. This morning it is clear and 2C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 9C. 


Family took me for lunch to celebrate Mother's Day. It was delicious (fish and chips) with an oatmeal raisin cookie for dessert. We had a lovely visit before we came home. 

I spent the afternoon outside working and walked 2.35 km in my own backyard. I started out taking bags of dirt to the vegetable boxes. I lifted them out and emptied 2 bags into each of the 7 boxes. I didn't touch the box of garlic. I spread it around and they are now ready for seeds or plants. Once I had done that, the neighbour's boys came over and took the last 5 bags to the shed for me. 

While the boys waited for their dad to come, they started hauling the left over deck boards to their back yard (I think flower boxes will be made). My neighbour and I started working under the deck. I moved the bricks out while he rakes out the weeds around the outside edge. He then dug a space between the house and the patio bricks at the bottom of the deck stairs. He laid some of the bricks there to finish that edge. He even laid it in a pattern. 

From there we laid out a string for the edging. The boys hauled more bags of dirt from the garage to the deck. I supervised getting the weed cloth out and found the string for a line. It was cold and damp. It even tried to rain on our party. We kept working and got the first 4 pieces of edging laid. It was a cooperative job as we all worked. The boys hauled pea gravel up from their back yard which was quite the uphill job. We called it a day when we got this section done. We were all tired and cold. 

I have to get a bag of grass seed to plant but I know this is going to look so much better than it was. 

During the time I was doing my dirt work, flowers arrived from family. They are gorgeous. 

I was to the community hall last night to help with the bar. I did a run to the grocery store for ice and pop and then started work. I was there for 2.5 hours. Daughter-in-law stayed until the end. On the way out, we could see police cars just up the road with all their lights going. It was a check point so I got ready before I left. The police officer was surprised I had everything out for him and I was through very quickly. 


I spent the morning finishing up the doll's outfit. I put the hot fix stones on the front of the dress, gave it a press, and got the doll ready for pictures. 

Now that it is complete, I am liking it a lot more. 

The crystals on the skirt finished the look though I wonder if I should add more to the front panel. I am not sure yet. 

A close up of the details on the skirt. 

The pattern pieces are in a pile to go to the recycling bin. I may make a pair of shoes for this outfit as I have enough fabric scraps for them. I would love to make a French hood but am not buying a pattern for the complete outfit at this time. I may a bit later on if I want to make another Renaissance outfit by another designer. 


None done last night. 


 I am going to do yoga this morning along with laundry and some cleaning. If time, I need to do a bit of work in the garage. This afternoon I am going to sweep the sewing room floor and clean up the cutting table. My goal is to sew a doll's bodice. I would like to prep fabric for piping and starch fabric for the quilt I started. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time......................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    The doll's outfit is just beautiful! So much work, but turned out lovely. Glad you had a nice Mother's Day.
