Thursday, May 16, 2024

More Weeding Done

 Yesterday was another warm sunny day with a high of 23.8C. This morning it is a bit cloudy and 8C. Today we are to have a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 24C. 


I decided to beat the heat and was out to weed early. I took a picture of under the deck first thing as I have put a few bricks at one end until I can move them to the shed. I also have to get some grass seed to put on the dirt. 

Once the bricks were moved, I started to weed the west side of the house. I also moved river rock back up towards the house. There weren't a lot of weeds but they were big. 

This is the area we will be working on next year. I don't plant flowers here as it gets too hot and everything dies up against the house, including grass. 

Once that was done, I moved around to the front of the house and weeded it. 

This piece will also be done when we do the side of the house. At this time it is fine and will be okay for this year. 

Once done, I came in and rehydrated and rested. My hip was sore but not unbearable. Just before lunch, I was out to get yard sale signs for Saturday. 

Daughter-in-law was over about 4 pm and we sorted and organized the yard sale items. It was done in about 90 minutes and we are now ready to price items. I took out the recycling to the curb and the pallet the bags of soil is down there waiting to be picked up by someone who wants it. 


I did spend time in the sewing room yesterday. I decided to put trim around the shoes (narrow elastic) and am 1" short for the 2nd shoe. Grrrrrr. 

I cut out another muslin with the pleated front sloper. 

The pleats are very tiny but they look okay on the top. 

I did a bit of stitching to hold them in place but would baste them in place before adding a facing or lining. I would also fiddle with them more so they were more pronounced like on the left side. 

I started to press the starched fabric for the Beginner Quilt. I cut out blocks to make block 2 - a nine patch. I worked very hard at getting the seams to nest properly and was successful. I am proud of that part. 

The two blocks look good together. There will be a strip of fabric between them. I am not sure what colour that will be at this time. 

The next block is the picture window block. 

I have no idea which fabrics I will use, if I will go with 2 different fabrics or 3. I am thinking about that right now. 


I worked on sock #1 last night and have 2.25" left to go on the foot. I did try it on and love the feel of the yarn on my skin. I am excited to have socks to wear in my winter boots. 


    I am happy that around the house and shed are weeded. All that is left is spraying the ditch and weeding the hedge. I will be pacing myself to do that as it is the "big" job. I wasn't going to do it on my hands and knees but have decided to do that so I can prep it for lawn seed. I am not looking forward to doing it but it needs to be done. 

    Though I am doing much better, my SI joint is still not staying in its proper place. It cracks at least once a day. I do find that walking on cement is tiring but I keep going with rest periods. I am hoping it will get better with time. 

    I have been eating properly for about 5 days now. I feel much better mentally and physically since reducing the amount of refined foods to almost nothing. I have stopped snacking which is hard but I do a lot of talking to myself. I know that most of my snacking is from boredom and needing to drink water. 


It is a rest day today. I have to take some items up to the shed and bring down some lawn chairs. I also want to hook up a hose so I can hand water the garlic and get the box for the leeks wet. I will be cleaning the bathroom and doing a load of laundry. I hope to sew this afternoon. Tonight I am at family's for dinner and then to grandson's school to hear the music classes play. Grandson will be playing in one group that meets before school. 

Until the next time............................................................

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