Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Progress In The Garage

 Yesterday started out cloudy and ended up sunny. The high got to 9.9C. This morning it is cloudy and 3C. We are to have a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 11C. 


I did yoga yesterday morning and it felt good to do. I had a couple of cracks as I focused on trying to limber up muscles and tendons. The stretches are helping a lot. The two cranky muscles are relaxing more each day. 

I did a bit of housework and then headed out to the garage for 30 minutes. I moved things, cleaned tubs to put items into, and swept more of the floor. It isn't exactly how I want it to look but I am starting to get there. 

I have to say I am happy with the progress I made out there. The 30 minute spurts seems to be just enough time to get a bunch done and see the progress. More than that and I am sure I would be overly sore. I need to keep working on it as we are registered for the area's yard sale on May 18.

I went back to eating strictly as I started to worry about my glucose levels. Day 2 and I am happy with how they are and I lost 1 lb. I am also working on being more active during the day. As I am less sore, I am trying to do a bit more each day. 


I spent about 2.5 hours sewing. I cut out all the pieces except for the skirt. I have it cut out in the lining but not the satin. I worked on the sleeves. I pinned, basted, sewed, and pressed and finally got one sewn in. The other sleeve is ready to be pinned, basted, and sewn in. What a lot of work. 

I kept saying it will get done on time. I can do it without swearing too much. 

I may do some sewing/knitting for the fall fair. It is not going to be items to make items but items that can be gifts or for myself. I have started a list and will try to make them up over the next few months. 


I finished the hat to trying it on. I am happy with it.

Time to start back knitting socks. I cast on the first sock and got the ribbing done. The yarn was bought 10 years ago in Edmonton Alberta. I love how it is knitting up. 

The other side is equally as interesting. 

I am ready to start the cuff on sock #2. If they turn out great, they will go into the fall fair. If not, I will make more socks to get a pair I think is worthy of entering. 


    With thoughts of entering items into the fall fair, I need to remember to keep the list small and do a great job on each item. If I don't get something made, I will not worry as it wasn't meant to happen. If I choose to do this again, I will start in the fall and work on the items slowly and carefully over the year. This isn't going to be make a lot of items like I use to. This is to make items I want to make and can use or give away as gifts. 

    The wind was cold yesterday and it did snow a bit in the morning. Not as bad as Alberta who had a good snow fall. Even daughter drove in snow to her work place in BC. We are so ready for warmer weather. 


I am off to the city with daughter-in-law to shop. I have exactly one item on my list. I may find other things I need as we shop in different stores. Once home, I may sew if I am not too tired and will knit tonight. I am looking forward to a day of shopping and snooping (if we have time).

Until the next time.....................................................

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