Saturday, May 21, 2022

Back To The Basics

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 19.6C. This morning it is 8C and we are to have more sunshine and 22C.


We had excitement yesterday morning. We were talking and I saw the Spousal Unit handling his matches. The next thing I knew they were flying in the air and he was pouring water on the floor. The matches had caught on fire and he was quick to put out the fire. No damage done except a small burn on his hand. 

I dropped the Spousal Unit off at family's to do a quick grocery shopping. In the end, they kept him until after lunch. I was able to do the extra shopping I wanted to do. I am so grateful for family helping us out.

In the afternoon, I tried to get him to rest and he did a bit and then leapt up to "work". He got the hose hooked up to the tap and started to water everything. I finally got him talked into not watering the dandelions in the hedge. I got him inside and on the couch where he sat quietly while I made dinner. He was angry as he "still needed to work". After dinner, I got him in the car and we went for a drive. Once home, he was relaxed and ready to settle down for the night. We both had a fairly good night's sleep. 

I was on the phone many times yesterday with continuing care. The lady who comes will be off work for 4-6 weeks. They are trying to find people to take her clients. We are hoping for a temporary person and have ours come back. If not we get a new person or we wait out the time with no one. 

I have a feeling we may be waiting it out as there is a shortage of people doing continuing care and we are low on the list. People with higher needs will get assistance first. At this time, my plan is to get 1 hour a week to grocery shop by using family and then hunker down at home and going to get things we can do together. It isn't the best but I can handle it. Things like writing my blog, sewing, and knitting may get pushed to the side but that is how life is at this time. It is back to the basics of life.


I had hoped to finish the 1914 Frock yesterday but it didn't happen. I spent all afternoon monitoring the Spousal Unit outside and trying to get him in to be out of the heat and rest. 

As family took the Spousal Unit for 2.5 hours I went up to the quilt shop to get supplies I need to make more Christmas gifts. I also got some notions I needed. It was nice to be in the shop and look around a bit. Basically I can sew until the end of June. Or into July depending on how much time I have.


No knitting as I spent the evening out on a drive. 


I hope to get 2 loads of laundry done, floors swept and washed, carrot seeds planted, and finish the 1914 Frock. Family has said they will be here to weed whack this afternoon but it depends on grandson's soccer games. Tonight I hope I can relax and not be out driving around. 

Until the next time..........................................................................


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