Friday, May 20, 2022

A Good Day Yesterday

 Yesterday was a lovely day with sunshine and a high of 17.8C. It was warm overnight (8.5C) and we had a shower. The sun is trying to shine and it is suppose to get to 19C.


The Spousal Unit had a great day yesterday. He was busy outside in the morning doing things he thought needed to be done. I just monitored his where about and safety. 

After lunch, we headed out for a drive. We stopped at family's and was given a box with a new BBQ cover in it. Ours was shredded by the winds during the winter storms. 

Next we went to New Minas and stopped in at a greenhouse to buy beet seeds. Then it was to get a ice cream treat and head home. At home, we watched son mow the lawn, planted the beet seeds, and watered them. The Spousal Unit's lawn mowing job was to put the eave's pipes up and down and put the lawn mower away. He was tired after a busy afternoon. 

This morning, he is quite tired and cold. He has slept in a chair wrapped in a blanket. He did eat his breakfast so may be fine with aches and pains. We have no respite today and maybe next week so I'm scrambling. 


I worked on the 1914 Frock in the morning. I just have one flower to hand stitch down and the buttons to sew on. This dress has evolved like no other dress I've sewn. I usually have a plan and follow through. This dress spoke to me at each stage of sewing. 

I got the Thread Director 2 yesterday and am looking forward to trying it. I have a plan to sew some modern doll clothes over the next 6 months and I will be using it so I can do some detailed top stitching with 2 threads. 


None last night. 


I have to do laundry, a bit of cleaning, and watch the Spousal Unit. He is having a rough morning. He will be with son for an hour this afternoon. I hope to finish the dress this morning. Shopping this afternoon and maybe plant the carrot seeds. Or it may be for a drive to calm him down. Who knows.

Until the next time................................................................

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