Friday, February 25, 2022

Two Projects Finished

 Though yesterday was sunny, it was another colder day. The high got to -4.8C and it was windy. This morning it is -10C and calm. We are to expect snow about noon today. Not what we wanted. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

The popularity of Carnivals at this season has not waned a bit. At the Annapolis Rink upwards of 700 people put in an appearance including 150 skaters in grotesque costumes. About 40 couple took part in the Grand March. Feb 25 1884.


When I arrived home from getting groceries, the Spousal Unit was depressed and anxious. The cold weather triggered a memory that was upsetting him. We talked about it and it helped a lot. The next bit of anxiety was the recycling not being picked up. Talked some more. The last one was what to expect from the doctors. He was agitated over not knowing but then I didn't know at lot either. 

The visit to the doctor's went fairly well. There is a bunch of blood work that needs to be done to rule out infections, deficiencies, etc. If all is okay then we know he has Alzheimer's and he will be on medication to help with it. The next part of our lives begin with many decisions to be made over both our care and how our lives will change. 

We ended the day with him more relaxed as he talked about what he remembered from his part of the visit. He was tired but happier at bedtime. 

I got a load of laundry done, all the laundry folded and put away, and a bit of tidying up done. It was more important to keep the Spousal Unit from having a major melt down than to do a lot of housework. 


I raced between the sewing room and making sure all was well upstairs. I broke the sewing into stages and got the bag done. 

I made piping for the handles and used up a piece of old soft cording. I had just enough for this bag and one more bag. Everything went together easily and I had the opening hand sewn before we left for the doctors. 

I am extremely happy with how it looks. The pocket on the inside is huge but I'm sure it will have some items in it. 

Next up is piping and I will have a box to ship to daughter. Then I can set up the Juki sewing machine ready to start the placemats. 


 I set a date to finish the socks and I got them done last night. Two days earlier than I had thought. These socks are an easy knit. 

Elliott decided he had to be in the picture. 

I am deciding if I will knit another pair of socks or if I will knit something for the dolls. I'll decide today.


I want to vacuum the upstairs and wash the spare room floor. That room will be done. I am going to make piping and decide what it is I want to knit next. With snow in the forecast, we will be staying home today. 

Until the next time............................................................

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