Friday, February 18, 2022

Like A Puzzle

 Though yesterday was cloudy, it wasn't dark. It was bright enough that I turned out the lights in the kitchen and dining area. The wind did blow and drove us nuts by 8 p.m. We had no rain and the high was 13C. This morning it is 11C and it pouring rain. The wind is blowing like crazy. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Our reading room is getting along fine. Mr McCoul, or rather the Misses McCoul, keep the room tidy and clean, deserving more than praise for the interest they take in the welfare of those who are lovers of good reading. Trenton Feb 18, 1890.


I rushed around and got the house tidied up. The floors were vacuumed as were the stairs. The bathroom was cleaned up and a load of laundry done. It is nice to have it all done so I can do a bit in the kitchen and budget today. 

The Spousal Unit wandered outside yesterday with not a lot to do. He was bored and that made him tired and feeling off. We did go and get grandson from school and took him home which broke up the late afternoon for both of us. 

The snow melted a fair amount yesterday and with the rain and warm temperature this morning, it is going quite quickly. You can actually see the ditch in front of our house. 

There were 242 confirmed cases of the virus and 2 deaths yesterday. There are 66 people in covid units with 11 people in ICU. The downward trend of cases and hospitalizations and the higher number of deaths is the normal in Canada from what I read. 


It was a brain draining no picture day in the sewing room. I cut out all the pieces of the skirt, looked at it and was exhausted. I finished the hem on the ruffles I finished the hem and gathered the shortest one. It goes on the bottom of the front skirt piece. 

Next I marked the lines for ruching the outer skirt and at that point I got confused. I stopped, took a deep breath, and started again. I got everything sorted out and the gathering lines marked and stitched. I even played with a fancy stitch on the sewing machine to tack down the gathers. I'm ready to begin that today.

The back of the skirt is made up of 4 panels which have ruffles gathered onto them as they are sewn together. This is like putting together a puzzle made even more confusing when you think the skirt closes at the back when it closes at the side. It then makes sense on what you are doing. I have to say, the skill level is advanced. This is the only one I will be making. A simple project is in the books when this one is done. 


The gusset is complete and I am now knitting the foot on the sock. It is coming along quickly and I am hoping to have the 2nd sock cast on this weekend. 

Hopefully there will be pictures of progress tomorrow for sewing and knitting. 


I need to wipe down the kitchen, do the budget and pay bills. I need to wipe down parts of the kitchen also. Sewing on the skirt and knitting will round out the day. I need to go out this morning for a bit. 

Until the next time...................................................

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