Wednesday, February 09, 2022

And It Rained...................

 Yesterday was one very wet day. There was 33.9 mm (1.3") of rain fall during the day. The high got to 4.3C. This morning it was 1C and cloudy. They say snow before noon and then a mix of sun and cloud in the afternoon.

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Preparations are being made by our enterprising young men for lobster fishing, which they will follow in a few days. Port La Tour Feb 9 1891.


With the rain, warmer temperatures, and melting snow, there was water running down our street. There was a huge puddle on the main street that sprayed up water when vehicles went through. Driveways that weren't cleaned turned into ice which made us happy that we had spent time cleaning ours off. 

The Spousal Unit was out chipping snow from the down spouts during the morning. He also chipped some ice from the garage side door. He was standing and fell on the ice and came in laughing about it. 

I got the bathroom cleaned and was happy to have that job done. I also gave the kitchen a bit of a cleaning also. More to do on it today.

There are 91 people in hospital's covid units with 14 in the ICU. There are a total of 363 people in the hospital with the virus. There is a briefing today and I am assuming it is to talk about lifting restrictions for sports and culture activities. I am interested to see if other restrictions will be lifted as other provinces are doing that now.


I printed the lobster tail petticoat and bustle pattern yesterday and cut the petticoat out of another piece of light linen. I sewed it together and am adding the ruffle to the bottom. 

Once the ruffle is on, I just have the waistband to do and I can start on the bustle. I hope I have a piece of heavier linen to use for it. 


I worked on the socks and got the first one ready to graft the toe together. Then it will be to cast on the 2nd sock and make it. 


I want to do some extra cleaning in the kitchen as it needs a bit of extra cleaning done. I hope to finish the petticoat this afternoon and start the 2nd sock this evening. We will stay home today but hopefully get out tomorrow. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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