Sunday, February 13, 2022

Lobster Tail Bustle Completed

 Yesterday was a gorgeous day. The sun shone and the high was 15.7C. This morning the temperature was 0C and it is to get colder and start snowing late this afternoon. We have a couple of days of colder weather and then it warms up. Let's hope this is the last cold spell for this year.

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

The weather keeps intensely cold and Tam-O-Shanter caps are quite the fashion. East Earltown. Feb 13, 1904.


Yesterday the Spousal Unit was out chipping away at the ice and has it all cleaned up around the front steps and driveway. The garage door was opened allowing the warmth in. Even I was outside for a while enjoying the sunshine.

I got a small amount of housework done yesterday. I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with about our phones. I cancelled one phone and set up a new phone for us to use. That took quite a bit of time but it is now how I want it. 

There were 389 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There are 82 people in the Covid units (down) with 14 people in ICU (up). There was 1 new death also reported. 


I finished the bustle yesterday and am glad it is done. 

You only see a bit of the side panels at the front allowing the dress to lay flat. The back bustle is neat. 

There are two panels sewn to the side seams of the bustle that are then sewn together. The fit across the back tightly making the bustle poof out. 

I am now ready to start the dress. A lot of work in it.


I knit on the sock last night and am almost half the gusset done. I am happy with the progress and I'm hoping they will be done by the end of the week. 


Housework, sewing, and knitting are on the agenda as we hunker down for the cold temperatures. We are having stew for the next couple of nights as it is a warm comforting food during a cold spell. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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