Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Just Like A Jig Saw Puzzle

Yesterday was hot. 32C with a humidex of 40C. This morning it is 19C and humid. The sun is shining so we look forward to another hot day. 


The Spousal Unit was out to trim tomato plants in the morning while it was "cool". He found it exhausting as he did when watering last night. We have a few more days of this heat before it cools down a bit. 
Our grape tomatoes are ripening quickly now. We had some for dinner on July 25. Last night there was enough for a cucumber and tomato salad. They are really tasty and we are enjoying them. Soon we will be providing people with grape tomatoes as we have plenty plants that have plenty of tomatoes on them. 
I ate well again yesterday and have lost 2.6 lbs this past week. My blood pressure is elevated but the aches and pains are less. Hopefully it means my kidney function has improved. 
We are at day 13 with no cases of the virus in the province. 


I cut out all those pieces yesterday and started prepping the pieces for sewing. The first part was pressing hems and sewing the shoulder straps. 
Pattern pieces remain with the fabric so I don't get confused. 
I laid out the bodice part of the overalls. The instructions say to leave the pattern pieces on until you sew. 
It reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle. I am going to make a blouse by the same designer that can be worn with the overalls and a skirt. It has a crazy number of pieces to sew up. 


By last night I was exhausted from the heat. I read instead and finished a book and downloaded the next in the series. 


I hope to sew some of the doll's overalls, do a bit of housework and rest. The heat is taking its toll on both of us once again. 
Until the next time...........................

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