Thursday, February 28, 2019

Down and Done

It is -14C, clear, and very little wind this morning. I am happy about no wind but they say it will pick up again. We can enjoy the sun until Sunday when we get snow. 


I started to clean the kitchen yesterday. I wiped and scrubbed as I moved around the countertops. Drawers were emptied and cleaned, shelves were the same. I got about half the kitchen done and am happy with the results. 


It paid off tracking  all the food and eating with portion control. I was down 1.8 lbs last night. A total of 7.2 lbs for the month of February. I met and exceeded my February goal of 4 lbs lost. I'm on a roll to meet my mini goal for the end of March. 
I have been owning my issues and moving on which has helped. Tracking each meal and all my activities has also kept me on track. And making my health #1 is worth it. 
For what it is worth, I have not bought any WW snacks as they are expensive and, to me, a bandaid for having snacks. I actually weigh and eat potato chips on special occasions and I budget my points for things like pizza, chicken strips and fries. I have no real cravings for chocolate at the moment so I'm letting those food choices be non choices. I feel in tune with my body. 


I spent 3.5 hours in the sewing room finishing up the test pattern. It was a well drafted pattern that I enjoyed sewing. It had a combination of couture sewing techniques and using the serger to finish the seams. The only issue I had was the cap which got straightened out before I cut it out. 
I would love to find a daffodil pin or earring to hold the shawl together in the front. I'll look when I go shopping. I did spend time choosing my fabrics and the only poor choice was the blouse and cap fabric. Beautiful fabric but a tad stiff. It is batik white fabric. I'd use something softer if I make it again. 
I love the skirt fabric. It is cotton but looks rustic. 
And without the shawl. I sewed two pieces of lace together to go down the front. I don't have to test another pattern until the end of March. 
Today is the last day for Design Academy. I can go back and look at the videos and do what ever is left when I have time. I can join in to the discussions when the class is open in the fall. I ordered Pattern Academy and am looking forward to starting it tomorrow. I am ready as I do have lots of ideas rolling in my head. I'm going to work on what I designed at the beginning of Design Academy. 
I will start off making the capri length leggings as I have the pattern for them. No use redesigning something that works well. I'm going to play with the pin tucks and do pleats. I'll be sewing up scraps of fabric I don't care for before I cut into my good fabric. 


I finished up the cowl last night. I won in the chicken yarn contest and had about 24" of yarn left over. 
I have to say it isn't the prettiest cowl when done and lying on the couch. It looks like a triangle but it certainly will keep my neck warm when worn under a coat or jacket. 
The back has a small part where it is joined together and knit in the round. It keeps the cowl on your neck without having to deal with the ends of a triangle. 
This is a free pattern called Escarpment and there is a link to Ravelry to download the pattern. I will be making this scarf again for Daughter. 
I knit 5 rows on grandson's socks and have 10 rows left to knit before I start on the heel flaps. 


I will continue cleaning the kitchen and hopefully will get it done. If not, it will be finished tomorrow. I plan on cleaning up the sewing room in preparation on finishing the western shirt, beginning Pattern Academy, and cutting out two basic doll dresses to see how the skirts act in different fabrics. 
Until the next time.................................

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