Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Random Thoughts While Keeping Warm

Today is another cold windy day. We are so over this and are waiting for the weather to warm up in a couple of days. I'd really appreciate the wind going away as the temperatures are not that bad. It's the wind that is making it so cold. 


Between our shopping trip locally, I got the dining area of the house cleaned up yesterday. It was great to have it looking good again. 
Shopping was cold but we did it. The Spousal Unit got some carrot seeds and talked to a lady about her greenhouse. He wants one here so he can putter around in it in the spring. 


My body seems to want to be in a holding pattern. The scales moved down slightly this morning. I have been tracking everything and hope I have a small loss this week. Weigh in is tonight. If it is the same, I will be okay with that. I have a goal I want to meet it by the end of March. 


With the cold weather, I have been sewing some every day. Yesterday I worked on the sleeves of the blouse for the test pattern. One was inserted and the other one will be done today. I hope I can finish the blouse this afternoon. 
I was looking at some wardrobe ideas for me. The Vivienne Files hit it on the nose color wise for me; black, denim and white for the basic colors. I can add grey to the basic color mix if I want to. I'm thinking down the road. 

Design Academy

 I worked on my notes yesterday and added more. I need to do more sketches but they will have to wait. What is evolving is my brand; what I want my doll clothes to look like. 

  • Designing a collection of basic patterns that can be adapted to give a wide variety of looks. 
  • Using couture and basic sewing sewing techniques. Use my serger only when necessary. 
  • Adding hand knit items into the mix. 
  • Using a variety of fabrics.
  • Adding some embellishments to some outfits. I'm going to try distressing denim but not sure if I will like it. 
The key is to have real clothes that fit the dolls. 
I am now ready to take Pattern Academy. I am a bit nervous but will use ideas I have, adapt patterns in my pattern stash, and design items that I want to make for the dolls. I have another course I want to take from an Australian designer as she shows how to  adapt basic patterns. 


The scarf is just about done. I am casting off and should be done today. More on the scarf when I am done it. Then it's back to socks.


I will be sewing and knitting today along with cleaning the kitchen. It's time to wipe out some cupboards and drawers. 
Until the next time.........................

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