Wednesday, January 03, 2018

A Goal Without A Plan..................

We are going to have it a bit warmer today and, right now, the sun is shining. There is a winter storm moving in today that is starting around Florida. The temperature will rise and the wind will blow. Everyone will be hoping the power stays on. 


Today I put away the Christmas decorations. It is the first day I felt well enough to tackle it. It felt like a huge project which, in actual fact, wasn't. The biggest job was making sure all the ornaments were well wrapped as the majority of them never came with a box. They were wrapped in the store and I toted them home in a bag. 
It got well organized and put into the tubs correctly. It now resides under the stairs until next year. 
People in Nova Scotia really decorate for Christmas inside and out. We are not use it as, in Ashcroft, you did some lights outside along with a couple of items and you were done. Kamloops had areas of extreme decorating but the street we lived on was very subdued. Here, we were amazed at the lights and ornaments, etc. outside and how much effort went to decorating the inside. Many houses had electric candles in all their windows, a very neat tradition. I'd like to do it next year. 
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
I found this on my Facebook feed Jan. 1. It has resonated with me since I read it. I truly believe in it and have found that, even if you wander while doing something, you need a plan. Otherwise your goal is just a wish and may never come to fruition. 
I plan on loosing weight this year. I will attend my first Weight Watcher's meeting this evening and it will be the beginning of my journey. 
Since being sick, I have lost 6.5 pounds. I have been very careful not to gain any back since getting out of bed and resuming life. 

  • I watch what I am eating and don't snack. 
  • I'm sure moving around is expending a lot of energy and I try to keep moving. One foot in front of the other. 
  • I am keeping up on the fluids so I won't get dehydrated. 
If I had not put a plan into place I would have wished I had kept the weight off. With the plan, it has stayed off. 
Now to move forward with my plan so I can meet my goal of loosing weight in 2018. 
  • Small goals need to be set -- weekly weight loss of 1 to 1.5 lbs is a good goal. That is 4 to 6 pounds a month. 
  • Mid goal needs to be set. 10% of my body weight is a good mid goal. 
  • Large goal needs to be set for the year. I am aiming for 50 pounds. 
Other plans will be set around these goals. 
  • Every three months, I will have my thyroid checked to see how it is functioning. Keeping on top of it is important not only for weight loss but for overall health. 
  • Have my A1C done at the beginning and probably again mid year to see if the number improves and then again at the start of year 2. 
  • Meal planning will take place once we are feeling better and I can think beyond a couple of hours. Lower carb meals means weight loss and better A1C. 
  • Move more. Walking daily would be a perfect goal once I am well. Walking links to better A1C and weight loss. 
We begin to see something evolve here - the goal of loosing weight will become a reality. 
It is mid afternoon here and I am working on this while a load of laundry is on. I will get the laundry done before I go out even if it kills me. When I started the laundry, I finished up the decorations and cleaned up the cathedral stairs and washed the floors. It is looking nice and neat with a bit of tinsel showing here and there. I refuse to put up tinsel next year because it has caused me nothing but grief this year. Live and learn.
Until the next time..............................

1 comment:

  1. I like that aphorism "a goal without a plan is just a wish"

    I too have the intention to lose weight, because my goal is to start 2019 being able to walk and not be in pain. My current plan is to give up my lifelong habit of drinking milk as a beverage, and instead drink water. So far, three days, I have managed to do this.
