Friday, September 02, 2016

A Good Report

The weather was perfect yesterday for travelling but it turned over night and rained and rained and rained. Our road is a slime bog this morning. On the upside, we don't have to water the lawn.


We were to the Cancer Clinic in Kelowna yesterday. The check up was excellent according to the oncologist. All blood work is in the normal range. Now, the Spousal Unit needs to build up his strength and get back to normal. We left elated but there is still a bit of worrying at the back of your mind.
I left home with an eating plan and did well. I was hungry on the trip home (emotional hunger after the check up) but we drove by the DQ and on to a fruit stand for fresh fruit. I did okay and lost a bit of weight (bonus).


I am still looking at what needs to come out of the sewing room and what needs to be gone through and eliminated. Then comes the decision on how to put it back into the closet. I am coming to the conclusion that I may put the garment fabric just onto the shelves so I can see it. The boxes hide it and I forget about it (out of sight, out of mind).
The craft/quilting fabric will remain in plastic tubs as I can see what is in them. As will the doll clothes fabric. Patterns are coming along though I could tweak them a bit. Book storage still needs to be thought through. But, it is coming along.


I work the closing shift so will be home late. I also start at 8:30 a.m on Saturday and Sunday.
Until the next time.........................

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